Wednesday, October 24. 2007
I know you've been waiting far too long for that. Now that Compiz and Compiz Fusion 0.6 are out, I've added them to portage.
The background: Compiz and Beryl, the two famous 3D-composite/windowmanagers for Linux, have merged forces. Main Compiz still resides in the package x11-wm/compiz, many additional plugins and tools are fetched in by the x11-wm/compiz-fusion metapackage.
The ebuilds are all based on the xeffects overlay, with some cleanup by me.
Happy window-wobbling!
Monday, October 15. 2007
Today I found a note about the movie The Codebreakers. It's a free-licensed (cc-by-sa) documentary about free software in development countries.
It brings up different examples about successful usage of free software in different parts of the world. Worth watching.
Saturday, September 15. 2007
Ein guter Tag also für alle meine Blog-Leser, sich mal wieder Gedanken drüber zu machen, welche Software sie nutzen und wem sie damit eigentlich vertrauen. Ich glaub der ein oder andere fühlt sich angesprochen.
Für alle im Umkreis von Backnang sei noch gesagt, dass die LUG heute abend in die Bar »Das Wohnzimmer« einläd und über ihre Aktivitäten informiert.
Sunday, August 26. 2007
Die FrOSCon ging heute zu Ende.
Von meinem OpenStreetMap-Talk gestern gibt's Folien (OpenDocument) und einen teilweisen Mitschnitt (Theora, aufgenommen mit Digikam, nur 20 Minuten, aber danach ging's nicht mehr so lang).
Bilder gibt's irgendwann hier, aber im Moment hab ich nur langsames Netz.
Saturday, August 25. 2007
Heute ist der erste Tag auf der FrOSCon (Free and Open Source Conference), einem lokalen Free-Software-Event bei Bonn (Siegburg für die Ortskundigen). Vortragsprogramm ist umfangreich und interessant.
Werde um 19h noch einen kleinen Vortrag über OpenStreetMap halten. Mitschnitt wird versucht, ich kann aber noch nix versprechen.
Monday, August 13. 2007
Maybe you've read that I did some coordination on relicensing the old GATOS TV-Out code to make inclusion into the radeon driver possible (gatos was gpl, while xorg uses mit-license).
Now, shortly after that Alex Deucher started implementing tv-out in the randr-1.2-branch of the ati driver based on that code. randr-1.2 is the new and shiny stuff that will make future versions of xorg manage resolutions and output connectors much better. As you can see on the picture, today I played around with the new code and got it working (get Gentoo git-ebuild here).
As a short howto, on some cards (including mine), autodetection of the connector status doesn't work yet. You'll have to manually force the connector:
xrandr --addmode S-video 800x600 xrandr --output S-video --mode 800x600 This is especially exciting as it is the last features of my laptop that was missing for »full linux-compatibility« (some minor issues left, as the cardreader only reads sd at the moment, the modem needs a binary driver).
Tuesday, May 22. 2007
In wenigen Stunden geht's los zur webinale open in Ludwigsburg. Dort werden wir als Linux User Group Backnang präsent sein, ebenso wird sich präsentieren.
Am LUG-Stand werden wir verschiedene Projekte, unter anderem OpenStreetMap und CAcert, vorstellen, sowie Kubuntu-CDs verteilen und Compiz zeigen.
Erste Bilder
Saturday, March 24. 2007
I'm here at the Linux-Infotag 2007 from the linux user group Augsburg. It's a small and familiar event. Seems that there are a lot of freifunk-people (free wlan networks) in augsburg. On my way to Augsburg, fitting to the topic I had to switch trains in the linux-town Treuchtlingen.
I had a talk about 3D-Desktops ( Linux 3D-Slides, OpenDocument). Will stay for some more hours.
It's nice to see more local linux events evolving.
Update: Some pictures from the LIT 2007
Tuesday, March 20. 2007
My laptop (Samsung P35) has an internal card reader (SD and MemoryStick) done by Ricoh. Several other laptops have this device. It's internally connected as a pcmcia-device and shows up as RICOH Bay1Controller on pccardctl ident.
For years now there was no way to get this thing running in linux, which stopped me from doing projects like having a crypto-key on a small SD-Card and insert that on boot. Now, finally someone did the job and reverse engineered the device: sdricohcs
In my first small tests, I could already download some photos from my digital camera card. No problems so far. Now, the only thing I'm really missing with linux on my laptop left is TV-Out (works with ati binary drivers, but they are unstable like hell). I heared some Xorg-devs are already working on it, so maybe I'll soon announce the »nearby 100%« support for Linux on Samsung P30/P35.
Wednesday, March 14. 2007
I wrote a few days ago (only in german) about my requests to the 1und1-support for information about the hardware of our rootserver (to complete the PCI ID database).
Now, after their first reply, I now got another mail with more useful information: They pointed me to the tool dmidecode, which can find lot's of information about the BIOS and the motherboard. Didn't know that before, it's also useful to find out the BIOS version on a running system.
Now, this looks like what I was looking for:
Handle 0x0002, DMI type 2, 8 bytes
Base Board Information
Product Name: D2030-A1
Saturday, March 10. 2007
Wie ich ja gestern schrieb, bin ich gerade bemüht, die Device ID-Datenbanken von Linux zu ergänzen. Unser 1und1-Rootserver antwortet auf ein lspci -v mit mehreren Zeilen der Form:
Subsystem: Fujitsu Siemens Computer GmbH Unknown device 1099
Weswegen ich mich bemühte, durch folgende Nachricht an den Support Auskunft über das verwendete Board zu erhalten:
Ich würde gerne die Hardwaredaten unseres Servers vollständig in der Linux PCI ID Datenbank erfasst haben ( ).
Dafür benötige ich die genaue Produktbezeichnung des in unserem Server verwendeten Motherboards. Es handelt sich, soweit ich sehen kann, um ein Fujitsu-Siemens-Modell.
Beantwortet wurde dies mit:
wenn Sie den Befehl lspci -v per SSH ausführen, sollten Ihnen dazu weitere Informationen angezeigt werden.
Ich erspare mir glaube ich jeden weiteren Kommentar.
(eine gleichzeitig abgeschickte Anfrage an Hetzner wurde übrigens ohne Probleme beantwortet)
Friday, March 9. 2007
A thing that people often ask in the free software world: I can't program but I want to help out somewhere.
Theres one thing that's very simple to do for everyone using Linux. We have two tools called lspci and lsusb that look on the pci/usb-bus for installed devices. Each device has an ID, consisting of a vendor ID and a product ID. Everyone can check the own hardware if everything is detectet. For lspci, first run update-pciids, then lspci -v. Each »Unknown« represents some ID that's not in pci.ids. Report the exact device model name to the interface on
For lsusb, run update-usbids and attach all usb devices you can find. lsusb doesn't show Unknown, if after a device number there's only a vendor name, then the ID is unknown. The usb.ids database is much more incomplete than the pci database. They don't have such a fancy interface as pciids, just send it to the current maintainer (listed in the file usually at /usr/share/misc/usb.ids or /usr/share/usb.ids).
Sunday, March 4. 2007
So, die Bilder sind online ( von Fabian gibt's auch ein paar).
Sehr nett fand ich heute den Vortrag »Linux und Freie Software richtig bewerben« von Meike Reichle. Einige eigentlich zwar selbstverständliche, aber dennoch sinnig mal auszuführende Anmerkungen zu typischen Fehlern a la »Umlaute brauch ich nicht« (was beim Benutzer als »Linux hat keine Umlaute« ankommt).
Die gerade noch laufende Linux-Nacht fiel etwas unangenehm auf durch eine seltsame "wer auf's Klo will, muss 5 EUR hinterlegen und darf nur 15 min brauchen«-Regelung, aufgrund einer im selben Gebäude stattfindenden Party auf. Im Messegebäude begrüßte einen ein Bücherstand mit einem Windows-System im Hintergrund auf dem Beamer.
Ansonsten isses aber ne gelungene Veranstaltung. Hab heute abend noch eine spontane Kurzvorführung von OpenStreetMap gemacht.
Friday, March 2. 2007
In größerer Gruppe werden wir morgen die Chemnitzer Linux-Tage entern. Wie das so ist, Streß kurz vor dem losfahren, ist auch alles dabei, Navi, Digikam, PGP-Keysigning-Liste etc. Bebilderter Report folgt sicher.
Monday, February 26. 2007
I live in a dormitory where I get cheap and fast internet access, but http only through a proxy. It's a pity to set this up in all apps every time I come here and disable it again when I wanna get online somewhere else, cause there's no centralized point to do so (there are many apps out there that just ignore http_proxy env var).
Now, it wasn't possible to directly forward http requests to the dormitory proxy, because it misses some options required for that. Maybe it's possible with more iptables skills, would require http-header rewriting.
My solution was setting up a local squid, forward requests via iptables to that and configure the dormitory proxy as a parent. I found that there's a lot of documentation out there, but also lot's of outdated stuff (squid configuration options significantly changed) and stuff you won't understand if you are no proxy-guru.
Now, some lines in my squid.conf:
http_port 7777 transparent
acl local src [myip]/
http_access allow local
cache_peer parent 3128 3130 proxy-only
First line enables all Options required to allow transparent http and sets the port to 7777 (can be anything, just shouldn't collide with any service you might run). visible_hostname is required, something that resolves to localhost. The acl and http_access lines will deny any requests from other hosts, and finally, cache_peer sets the upstream proxy (just replace with whatever your network proxy is).
Beside, there's some line starting with hierarchy_stoplist, you need to comment that out, else it won't allow you to use urls with GET variables.
Now, for the iptables-part, it's pretty simple:
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
I've now added squid to my default runlevel, it doesn't take that long to start. My network setup scripts contain above iptables-line for the dormitory and the squid is just ignored elsewhere. One problem though I haven't debugged enough to know the cause is that sometimes it seems to be unable to deliver POST vars, e. g. the function search of doesn't work.
For your info, my system is Gentoo Linux with squid 2.6.9, iptables 1.3.7 and kernel 2.6.20.