I got selected for this years
Google Summer of Code with a project for the implementation of RSA-PSS in the nss library. RSA-PSS will also be the topic of my diploma thesis, so I thought I'd write some lines about it.
RSA is, as you may probably know, the most widely used public key cryptography algorithm. It can be used for signing and encryption, RSA-PSS is about signing (something similar, RSA-OAEP, exists for encryption, but that's not my main topic).
The formula for the RSA-algorithm is
S = M^k mod N (S is the signature, M the input, k the private key and N the product of two big prime numbers). One important thing is that M is not the Message itself, but some encoding of the message. A simple way of doing this encoding is using a hash-function, for example SHA256. This is basically how old standards (like PKCS #1 1.5) worked. While no attacks exist against this scheme, it's believed that this can be improved. One reason is that while the RSA-function accepts an input of size N (which is the same length as the keysize, for example 2048/4096 bit), hash-functions usually produce much smaller inputs (something like 160/256 bit).
An improved scheme for that is the
Probabilistic Signature Scheme (PSS), (
Bellare/Rogaway 1996/1998). PSS is "provable secure". It does not mean that the outcoming algorithm is "provable secure" (that's impossible with today's math), but that the outcome is as secure as the input algorithm RSA and the used hash function (so-called "random oracle model"). A standard for PSS-encryption is PKCS #1 2.1 (republished as
RFC 3447) So PSS in general is a good idea as a security measure, but as there is no real pressure to implement it, it's still not used very much. Just an example, the new DNSSEC ressource records
just published last year still use the old PKCS #1 1.5 standard.
For SSL/TLS, standards to use PSS exist (
RFC 4055,
RFC 5756), but implementation is widely lacking. Just recently,
openssl got support for PSS verification. The only implementation of signature creation I'm aware of is the java-library
bouncycastle (yes, this forced me to write some lines of java code).
The nss library is used by the Mozilla products (Firefox, Thunderbird), so an implementation there is crucial for a more widespread use of PSS.