I just did some large updates to my »fun with x«-overlay after some experiences from the weekend where I installed it on various other people's machines, so I thought it's time to post some up-to-date information.
A few days ago I got a bunch of new patches from Kristian Høgsberg that should be much less hacky than the previous ones. You need to re-compile xorg-server and compiz together to use aiglx with compiz.
The compiz-ebuild has no longer a gnome and kde useflag, because the kde-window-decorator is not working at the moment and it doesn't make much sense to build compiz without any window decorations. Also, compiz now comes with two startscripts (compiz-aiglx and compiz-xgl) that basically just run the decorator and compiz with all default plugins. I noticed that the autodetection hack (whether it's running xgl or aiglx) doesn't really work, so the script also has all neccessary parameters. The patch is still in, but I'd like to have some better solution for that in the future.
In the main dir, I placed a sample package.keywords for people using the stable (no ~arch) tree of gentoo.
I've -*-keyworded the metacity-ebuild (because upstream isn't working at the moment on the libcm/metacity-stuff and compared to compiz it's boring anyway) and the compiz-quinnstorm-ebuild (because I don't work on it currently). You can still use them though if you add them to your package.keywords.
Probably one of the more interesting news: I have now commit-access to
coffee's overlay, which means we work together to merge improvements forth and back. For the common question which overlay to take, I could say that mine is more polished, just contains the basic things to run xgl/aiglx and compiz and nothing more and is probably more stable, while coffee's contains more stuff (e. g. the now split up quinnstorm stuff).
Beside that, mesa is going to have a new release within days, which will make things much easier (and probably let us merge some stuff into main portage soon).
To get the fun, just
svn co https://svn.hboeck.de/xgl-overlay/