Updates on xgl/aiglx/compiz overlay

Hanno's Blog

Monday, September 4. 2006

Updates on xgl/aiglx/compiz overlay


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I have installed your overlay and emerged mesa xorg-server and compiz. But whenever I want to start compiz-aiglx it only kills my kwin and says that no manageable screens are found on display:0.0. I've an radeon mobilty 9600 (M10) running the r300 opensource drivers and both composite and aiglx are activated. the only strange thing is, that I get errors about non-supported visuals on xorg-startup.

Am I missing something?
Thaanks in advance for any help
#1 Johannes (Homepage) on 2006-09-05 12:36 (Reply)
No idea at the moment. If you could mail me your xorg log and conf, I might find something.
#1.1 Hanno (Homepage) on 2006-09-06 15:21 (Reply)
Latest repository merges on my ~x86 gentoo give me Support for non power of two textures missing when trying to launch compiz. I have Ati Radeon 9500 with latest fglrx 2.28.8 and xorg-x11-7.1. And I have allready done eselect opengl set ati. Thanks for any hints as how to solve this problem.
#2 tehehe on 2006-09-09 23:07 (Reply)
I've held back with upgrading to the latest revision, I did it now that I brought the system and everything else to GCC 4.1.1. After an svn update and emerge -uD world, compiz gives me "No GLXFBConfig for default depth, this isn't going to work."

The best I could find about it is that newer compiz versions give this error message, so the advice is usually to downgrade. I have the following keywords since later revisions of your overlay, could you tell me if these are still recent?

x11-libs/libdrm ~x86
media-libs/mesa ~x86
x11-base/xorg-server ~x86
x11-wm/compiz ~x86
media-libs/glitz ~x86
x11-base/xgl ~x86

The bad thing is that I don't know which revision I was at before which worked correctly, so I'll have to guess around if I want to downgrade. :-(
#3 lch on 2006-09-18 00:55 (Reply)

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