Saturday, March 21. 2009
Ich habe, wie ich kürzlich bereits erwähnt habe, auf den Chemnitzer Linux-Tagen die erste LPI-Prüfung abgelegt. Die LPI ist eine Institution, die Zertifizierungen für Linux-Kenntnisse anbietet. Es existieren verschiedene Levels, nach Bestehen der zweiten Prüfung darf ich mich dann LPIC-1 nennen.
Zwar darf ich natürlich zu konkreten Inhalten der Prüfungsfragen nichts sagen (das muss man während der Prüfung unterschreiben), möchte aber dennoch einige allgemeine Anmerkungen dazu loswerden.
Zunächst mein Haupt-Kritikpunkt: Die Prüfung bezieht sich auf alte Inhalte, und zwar auf sehr alte. Eine Frage bezog sich auf Spezifika eines 2.0-Kernels. Ich erinnere mich noch dunkel, dass zu der Zeit, als ich gerade mal anfing, mich mit Linux zu beschäftigen, gerade das Neuerscheinen von Kernel 2.4.0 ein heißes Thema war. Das ist nun schon knapp 10 Jahre her. Das war sicher das extremste Beispiel, aber es zieht sich durch mehrere Fragen durch. Nehmen wir jemanden, der sich sehr kompetent mit Linux auskennt, aber sich vielleicht erst seit 3 Jahren mit Linux beschäftigt. Er hätte schlicht das Problem, dass ihm xfree86 einfach nie begegnet ist. Bei den nicht gerade günstigen Preisen der Prüfung hätte ich schon erwartet, dass sie halbwegs dem aktuellen Stand der Entwicklung entsprechen.
Ein weiterer, sicher schon oft genannter Kritikpunkt, ist die Frage der (nicht vorhandenen) Distributions-Neutralität. Im Flyer des LPI wird explizit damit geworben wird, dass die Zertifizierungen Distributions-übergreifend seien. Das ist, um es deutlich zu sagen, schlicht gelogen. Es handelt sich nur um einen kleinen Teil der Fragen (bzgl. rpm), die man auch einfach weglassen könnte, es würde der Prüfung nichts nehmen.
Jenseits dessen noch eine eher grundsätzliche Anmerkung: Große Teile der Prüfung beziehen sich auf das mehr oder weniger Ausweniglernen von Befehlen und Parametern. Das ist natürlich komplett realitätsfern. In jeder realen Situation, in der meine Linux-Kompetenz gefordert ist, habe ich natürlich die Möglichkeit, mir die man-Pages und Dokumentationen von Programmen anzusehen. Insofern sollte man sich klar sein, dass ein LPI-Zertifikat auch nur sehr beschränkt Auskunft darüber gibt, wie fähig man tatsächlich mit einem Linux-System umgehen kann.
Saturday, March 14. 2009
Ich bin mal wieder, wie in den Vorjahren auch schon, auf den Chemnitzer Linux-Tagen. Die Linux-Tage in Chemnitz gehören inzwischen zu einer der zentralen Veranstaltungen der freien Software-Community.
Morgen werde ich mich zum ersten Mal an einer LPI-Prüfung versuchen. Habe mich kaum vorbereitet und bin mal gespannt ob man das auch so schafft. Wenn es nicht klappt werde ich mir evtl. entsprechende Literatur zulegen und es erneut versuchen.
Bilder gibt's hier:
Saturday, November 1. 2008
Just saw yesterday that there were advertisements for the new Ubuntu 8.10 release (two days ago) in the subway of Berlin.
Quite cool, they also were advertising for the Ubuntu release party in the C-Base tonight (though I'm no longer in Berlin at the moment).
Monday, October 6. 2008
Recently there were some News that Lenovo does not like Linux any more. This was supported by comments like this at Lenovoblogs (by a Lenovo engineer):
»Again, what’s the incentive for us to start providing all of this intellectual property for free to the Linux community? You may say it drives support for Linux on ThinkPads and people would buy more ThinkPads as a result. I think that’s a dubious assertion at best.«
(the subject was driver support for switchable graphics on modern thinkpads and brings up some common urban legends about linux and driver support)
Sadly, I experienced one more place where Lenovo seems to shift away from a Linux friendly viewpoint: I tried to return the windows license of my new Thinkpad with a pre-made form by Lenovo itself (I got this from someone else by eMail, not from Lenovo directly). In the net, you can find tons of reports that it was easy for people to get money back for their windows licenses by Lenovo.
Though what I got was this:
»Leider können wir Ihrem Wunsch nach Rückerstattung der Kosten für das auf Ihrem Lenovo Produkt vorinstallierte Microsoft-Betriebssystem nicht entsprechen, da das Betriebssystem aus unserer Sicht einen integralen Bestandteil des jeweiligen Lenovo Produkts darstellt.«
(rough translation: We won't refund your windows-license, because we think it's an integral part of the product)
I find it hard to understand why Lenovo makes this shift. When running around on linux conferences in recent months, the number of thinkpads is hughe. While many other vendors shift to a much more free software friendly behaviour (think of AMD/ATI), Lenovo seems to go the different direction. It's especially strange because Lenovo is probably one of the few vendors that has a notable market share in the linux community.
By the way, I welcome any hints how I should continue with the windows refunding. I'd prefer not to capitulate yet (like I did with my last laptop by Samsung), and I assume the law is clearly on my side.
Update: As some of you asked, here is the form by Lenovo, though you'll probably just get the same reply I got.
Probably interesting, here you can find all EULAs from Microsoft. They are quite clear on the subject and say that you MUST return the windows license to the vendor if you don't agree to the EULA.
In the meantime, I wrote several messages about the issue to various people and instutitions. The FSFE is also working on the subject.
Friday, September 19. 2008
Today my new IBM/Lenovo Thinkpad T61 8895WFJ laptop arrived. While my P30 did a good job, it really was time to replace it.
I'm currently in the phase of installing Gentoo and getting used to the device, but I think it was a very good choice.
Beside the fact that Lenovos are probably popular for a reason, the 1400x1050-resolution, the well Linux-supported Intel-graphics and a quite acceptable weight (2,4 kg) were reasons for this model. I'm still in favour of 4:3 screens, because if you wanna have a 16:10 one with a decent resolution (e. g. > 1000 pixels height) they become either very expensive or very heavy. I still wonder why no vendor seems to produce 4:3 screens any more (from my research, not a single Montevina laptop has 4:3).
Some time soon you'll probably find some documentation about Linux on the T61 8895WFJ at
Friday, August 1. 2008
Recently I was asked by a friend for a linux tool to extract ressources from windows exe files, especially icons. He used a windows tool in wine till then.
I said that this shouldn't be so hard and already started writing my own parser (I came to the point where I could extract headers and content separately), when I found that there already is an appropriate tool called wrestool. It's part of the icoutils package.
wrestool -o . -x filename.exe
will extract all ressources (icons, cursors etc.) to the current directory.
Tuesday, June 17. 2008
Today I played around a bit with the stuff done by the Wii homebrew/hacking community, which is far more advanced than I had expected.
I had the game Twilight Princess borrowed by a friend. For those who don't know, using this game you can run homebrew software on the Wii without the need of a modchip.
The way this works is that first you install a modified savegame for Twilight Princess, afterwards you can install the Homebrew Channel. The Homebrew Channel will stay in the main Wii Menu and you'll be able to run various stuff from there. While looking around the various webpages covering the topic, I found that is a good place to find documentation and links to the appropriate projects. So look there for the details.
The gc-linux project (originally porting linux to the gamecube) has a simple Linux image available.
A warning: Nintendo released a new firmware that stops this method to work, so if you wanna have fun, don't update your Wii. And the obvious warning: Everything you do is at your own risk.
Update: Seems the Firmware update is no longer a problem.
Tuesday, June 3. 2008
Ein schönes Spielzeug habe ich heute geschenkt bekommen.
Sometimes in the past I had the wish to produce some simple videos, e. g. from political actions. Though I was looking for some free software solutions for video editing.
I asked around but it seemed that most people didn't use free solutions. I never did any video editing before, so I had no comparison on what proprietary tools are able to do. My requirements where not that advanced, basically I wanted to be able to cut some videos together, fade them in and out, add some text over them. Beside, I wanted to be able to display images for some seconds.
I knew of three free video editing tools for linux, Kino, PiTiVi and Cinelerra. Kino and PiTiVi are quite simple to use, they have an intuitive interface. But I soon came to the conclusion that they are far too limited in features. So Cinelerra is left.
Cinelerra is not a simple tool, it's interface is not intuitive. So this was keeping me away from using it for a long time. But the good news is, Cinelerra has all the features I wanted and can do much more. As I said above, I don't have any experience with commercial tools, but I think Cinelerra can do pretty much everything one will need when doing professional video editing.
To learn how to use Cinelerra, there are some great video tutorials at the_source. It's a (CC-by licensed) video show about free software and video stuff and they did four Cinelerra tutorials in their show. You should at least watch the first three and try the stuff out between the tutorials, but that will give you the basic knowledge to get started with Cinelerra.
So, the first Cinelerra-produced video by me should be available here within the next days.
Beside, I just bumped the Cinelerra package in Gentoo, so emerge it and have fun.
Monday, April 7. 2008
Und erwähnt mich. Zitat:
Hanno Böck, der die freie Geodatenbank Openstreetmap vorstellte, war extra nach Augsburg gereist, da es »hier noch besonders viel zu tun gibt«. Ein Blick auf eine Augsburger Stadtkarte zeigte, was er meint: Einige Straßen sind schon drin, Bahnlinie und Hauptbahnhof auch, sogar Sträßchen wie Kappelberg, Milchberg, Bäckergasse und Hallstraße sind eingezeichnet. Aber wo ist die Maximilianstraße? Der Rathausplatz? Da sieht es doch recht leer aus.
Augsburger Allgemeine: Damit der PC mit seinem Nutzer rechnen kann
Sunday, March 30. 2008
Gestern war ich auf dem Augsburger Linux-Infotag. Ein kleines, aber feines Linux-Event für den im Moment etwas unterrepräsentierten süddeutschen Raum.
Mein OpenStreetMap-Vortrag wurde von knapp 50 Menschen besucht und lief ganz passabel. Erste Spuren in der bislang etwas vernachlässigten Augsburger Innenstadt sind schon sichtbar (Slides wie üblich hier, aber kaum verändert zum letzten Mal).
Am CAcert-Stand war man optimistisch, dass noch (Zitat) »dieses Frühjahr« die Firefox-Integration klappt (aber das habe ich schon oft gehört...), die Freifunker in Augsburg sind nett, PacketRadio und Amateurfunk taugt nicht für Freifunk (due to Gesetz, welches den Content einschränkt) und insgesamt war es ein nettes Event. Ich denke nächstes Mal bin ich wieder dabei.
Bilder vom Linux-Infotag Augsburg gibt's hier.
Wednesday, March 12. 2008
nouveau, the project for creating a free 3D linux driver for nvidia cards, recently got first support for real 3D applications with gallium on some NV4X cards (see Nouveau Companion 36). Today I got it working on a friends machine.
Here you can see an openarena benchmark (also uploaded on youtube). It got 55 fps, which is far away from the nvidia binary driver yet (178 fps), but at least more than my r200 setup (32 fps).
For the brave ones, here's a quick and dirty howto for Gentoo:
a) Get the nouveau overlay with svn co and add it to PORTDIR_OVERLAY in make.conf.
b) The nouveau-overlay won't install the nouveau/gallium-branch of mesa. Get my overlay with svn co and also add that to your PORTDIR_OVERLAY (I'll try to contact the nouveau-overlay developer if we can merge this).
b) Add media-libs/mesa, x11-base/x11-drm, x11-libs/libdrm and x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau to /etc/portage/package.keywords and merge them.
c) If you've been running the nvidia binary driver, eselect opengl set xorg-x11, change the graphics driver in xorg.conf to nouveau, rmmod nvidia (if you've been running the binary driver), modprobe nouveau and start X.
d) Have fun!
Note: The nouveau developers consider gallium completely unsupported at the moment and don't want to get end-user bugs. If it runs, fine, if not, don't nag them with it.
Monday, March 3. 2008
Habe dieses Jahr wieder die Chemnitzer Linux-Tage besucht, die sich inzwischen zu einem der wichtigsten Events der Linux-Community hierzulande entwickelt haben.
Ich habe tendenziell wenige, dafür aber gute Vorträge besucht (einen zum Hackerparagraphen und einen über Spam). Videos gibt's wohl leider keine, aber Audioaufnahmen sollten demnächst kommen. Desweiteren war ich aktiv am OpenStreetMap-Stand beteiligt, wir bekamen freundlicherweise bei der Wikipedia ein bißchen Platz. Für die Zukunft sind aber dann eher eigenen OpenStreetMap-Stände angesagt (beispielsweise beim Linux-Infotag in Augsburg).
Auch den Organisatoren sollten wir OpenStreetMap noch näher bringen, so war auf der Seite für die Wegbeschreibung lediglich map24 verlinkt. Zumindest ein alternativer OSM-Link sollte doch obligatorisch sein.
Friday, February 15. 2008
I recently wrote about geo-tagged images. This makes use of the fact that different devices collect data and you can associate the data by the timestamp. It's most probably interesting for much more than gps/images.
While it's possible to get accurate timesetting by hand, it's usually not what you want. Preferably one wants to sync all devices with an internal clock automatically from the computer or some kind of network connection.
As a first step, we want to get our computer's time accurate. There are tons of tools out there, some linux distributions (and also windows xp) do this automatically on boot. I'm usually using rdate, it's small and simple:
rdate -s [any public timeserver]
There's a list of public time servers here. Other tools like netdate, ntpdate etc. will do it as well.
Now, my digital camera is a Canon Ixus 50. It uses PTP (picture transfer protocol) for data communication. If you have a PTP camera, most likely it supports time syncing. Syncing the camera time to the system time was recently added to libgphoto svn, but it's not yet available in a release. It also doesn't support any timezone management yet, so I'll get GMT time (while I live in the CET zone). The command to do it is:
gphoto2 --set-config synctime=on
If you don't have PTP, you're not completely lost. There's support for a lot of proprietary cameras in gphoto, some of them also support time syncing. Give it a try. I don't have information about usb storage devices (many cameras are just storage devices), links welcome.
Next device is my mobile phone, Nokia 6230i. As a mobile phone is permanently connected to the GSM-network, the obvious option would be time syncing over gsm. This protocol exists and most phones (including mine) support that. But bad luck, many mobile providers don't support it. So I'm out of luck here (vodafone, pointers to information about different provider support that are welcome).
Now, this device also speaks bluetooth, so timesetting via the computer should be possible. Both gammu and gnokii (the common applications to talk with all those proprietary mobiles out there) have a timesetting-option, but it rounds down the time to zero seconds, thus making it useless for exact time. I'm not yet sure if this is a limitation of the hardware or a bug in the software. An option would be to send the timesync-signal at the moment seconds turn to zero, but that would require application support, as there's a relevant diff between the application call and the moment the time get's set (because you have to ack the connection on the phone).
Though at the moment my phone needs manual timesetting, but the only data I'm collecting with it is gps-data, which get's it's timestamp via gps, so this is fine.
Tuesday, November 13. 2007
I got an old laptop donated a while back, Pentium 133 with 24 MB RAM, no CDROM, no USB. I wanted to provide it for someone else as a basic internet surfing and office writing station and faced the problem what system would be suitable for that.
I tried some old flavours of Debian, but wasn't really happy. Then I found that there's a dsitribution called DeLi Linux that seemed to be just perfect. What they're doing is providing an intelligent mix of current and old software (yeah, xorg really runs on a P133). They have installation floppies for network install (well, it was nontrivial to find three floppies in my room). It's all a bit like doing Linux by foot, they're missing a real package management (they have one, but no auto-dependencies) and things like that, but that didn't really hurt.
In the end I had an IceWM-Desktop, together with Konqueror-Embedded, alternatively you can use Firefox 1.5 (they backport security fixes) linked against plain X-libs. Texts can be written with AbiWord, linked against gtk1.
It's a nice solution, if you once need some system for a machine where xubuntu is far too bloated, you might want to try out DeLi Linux. According to their webpage, it runs on a 486 with 16 MB.
My stub of an installation report for the HP OmniBook 5500CS is here (I may extend it when I get the laptop back, it has some more devices to explore, internal soundcard, tv-out).