Linux-Infoday in Augsburg

Hanno's Blog

Saturday, March 24. 2007

Linux-Infoday in Augsburg


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hi hanno,

thank you for your smart and funny talk about 3d-desktops, may see you next year at the linux info day ;-)

best regards, tri
#1 tri (Homepage) on 2007-03-25 00:39 (Reply)
Well I wasn't at the Ausburg infotag (though I wish) :P, but I am very interested in the nouveau project, I ve been reading yours topic...
can you write more articles on what's going ?
and a if possible; a mini-how-to on reverse ingeneering?
I 'am translating some parts of the freedesktop wiki along with maxi98 and other folks (to spanish) .... and frankly I am completly lost!!!!

vielen danke!
Joako "euskal" aus Argentinien (a fellow gentoo user=)
#1.1 Joako on 2007-04-09 08:09 (Reply)
hi again!!!---(sorry to bother you again)

I just want plain-2D, graphics, and from some strange reason, my hard drive is caching way much compared to the nv-xf86 drv.

I tried recompiling the kernel as said on the wiki....
this is the error;
(II) NOUVEAU(0): Loaded DRI module
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device or address)
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device or address)
drmOpenDevice: Open failed
[drm] failed to load kernel module "nouveau"
(EE) NOUVEAU(0): [dri] Failed to open the DRM*)

I suppose is something that's messing around the Radeon-FB or other framebuffer device.(thought you could help)
Anyway, I 've read your explanations and reasons about how little press freedesktop is giving to opensource drivers
Definitly!! I agree with you at everything, a support forum should be a great start

#1.1.1 Joako on 2007-04-11 13:06 (Reply)

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