The tricky security issue with FollowSymLinks and Apache

Hanno's Blog

Tuesday, June 23. 2015

The tricky security issue with FollowSymLinks and Apache


htpasswDoS: Local Denial of Service via Apache httpd password hashes
The way the Apache httpd web server handles password hashes can be abused by a malicious user on a server to cause resource exhaustion and denial of service of the web server. I reported this a while ago to the Apache security team - which led to a length
Weblog: The Fuzzing Project
Tracked: Jan 10, 13:17

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Even now 14 Sept 2017 we still have this issue!

Using Centos 7, EA4, suphp there is no viable option to protect against symlink vulnerability. The cpanel hardened patch and GR patch are both still for Centos 6
#1 simon on 2017-09-14 18:53 (Reply)

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