Introducing Snallygaster - a Tool to Scan for Secrets on Web Servers

Hanno's Blog

Wednesday, April 11. 2018

Introducing Snallygaster - a Tool to Scan for Secrets on Web Servers


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> the tool that comes closest is probably Nikto, but testing it I felt it comes with a lot of checks - thus it's slow [..]

I am afraid that as soon as people start contributing to Snallygaster it will share the same fate ("slow") as there will be just more URLs to test for. Or what do you think?
#1 Dirk (Homepage) on 2018-04-11 21:06 (Reply)
We will see :-)

I intend to not add every imaginable test, but try to keep some balance. I wrote something about that in - i.e. I want to have a good balance between test cost (in time), prevalence and impact of findings.
#1.1 Hanno (Homepage) on 2018-04-11 21:09 (Reply)
do you know the SecList Project?

So most of the files you are searching for are already there for example in

So just using Burp intruder or something like patator brings simular results, ...
#2 Horst (Homepage) on 2018-04-11 21:58 (Reply)

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