Userdir URLs like are dangerous

Hanno's Blog

Monday, April 6. 2020

Userdir URLs like are dangerous


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Thanks for your article and the very practical advice!

Don't you feel like this is a problem with the web (as it is today) in general? It has to do with client-side scripting (as decided by the server) as an anti-feature.

Some protocols like Gemini ( ) try to reinvent a simpler web (or more advanced gopherspace). But still i wonder if the web has to be doomed. Shouldn't we aim to build entirely noscript websites and browsers?

#1 southerntofu (Homepage) on 2020-04-06 21:21 (Reply)
The multi-tenant webserver model in edus is fine. If a malicious script was found in someone's directory, you could pinpoint the flesh and blood person. Once you have large numbers of anonymous user accounts that cannot be tied to a person, then that becomes an issue. Generally once the application becomes a viable economic entity, it's not likely that the application is on a machine with this usage model. Or rather, you have to trust that the magical triumvirate of https, dns and public key infrastructure is working such that everything is working ok.

If you're doing something more serious, wouldn't the application try to do it's own certificate pinning?
#2 munchkin (Homepage) on 2020-04-09 08:09 (Reply)
> If a malicious script was found in someone's directory, you could pinpoint the flesh and blood person.

That's not true. By the time you find out the person could've deleted the code. (Unless you log all filesystem changes.) Or the person could claim plausible deniability by installing code with an XSS that is used by the attack.

> If you're doing something more serious, wouldn't the application try to do it's own certificate pinning?

I have no idea what this has to do with the described attack.
#2.1 Hanno Böck on 2020-04-09 08:13 (Reply)
> That's not true. By the time you find out the person could've deleted the code. (Unless you log all filesystem changes.) Or the person could claim plausible deniability by installing code with an XSS that is used by the attack.

Yes that's true. On the other hand, the cost of this might be negligible. Or rather the cost of this on the institution might be negligible if a student get's breached, even if it is leveraged to a broader scope, like for example the student's home environment, since that is not within the institution's purview.

> I have no idea what this has to do with the described attack.

i'll have to think about that one a bit as well
#2.1.1 munchkin on 2020-04-09 09:24 (Reply)

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