Free rar unpacking code

Hanno's Blog

Saturday, October 8. 2011

Free rar unpacking code


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If you need help getting parts of the unarchiver to work, I've been working on its tar unpacker, so I usually have linux (64bit) executables sitting around. Great to hear it is getting adopted into use by people.

I'm not sure how new the newest release is, but if it's a while old, the current version from mercurial should contain vastly improved commandline tools (such as lsar, which now supports long listings that actually have some useful information).
#1 halcy on 2011-10-08 22:57 (Reply)
I would actually like to run "emerge theunarchiver" . Hope, Halcy don't mind. It's so difficult to remember case sensitive names..
#2 Anton on 2011-10-09 11:34 (Reply)
I tend to stick with the upstream name as close as possible, so I've chosen the uppercase names, although I don't like them much either...
#2.1 Hanno (Homepage) on 2011-10-09 11:39 (Reply)
It seems that upstream wants the package to be called unar (since it is just command line utilities without GUI). They have asked Debian maintainers to change name from theunarchiver to unar.
#2.1.1 Anonymous on 2011-11-25 14:44 (Reply)
It shall either directly depend on dev-libs/icu or >=gnustep-base-1.22.0 which enforces ICU useflag, when compiled against gnustep-base-1.20.1 which is at the moment stable it breaks on missing unicode/ucnv.h

and of course thanks for bringing this to the gentoo world :)
#3 mAhdi on 2011-10-09 17:14 (Reply)
I'm sure some day you'll learn how to differentiate "it's" from "its".
#4 laslalslfaksfj on 2011-10-09 21:20 (Reply)
At least he's not using an accent (it`s), as many people do. Would be much worse than mixing up it’s and its.

@Hanno: Thanks a lot, I'm going to try it soon.
#4.1 Ben on 2011-10-10 09:35 (Reply)
TheUnarchiver works very well. Although it always creates GNUStep folder in my home dir. I guess thats the standard behaviour for GNUStep programs...
Thanks for writing this ebuild!
#5 Andrius on 2011-10-10 18:10 (Reply)
Let's make a stronger case for 7-zip! I promote going to torrent-sites (which I guess is the strongest promoter of tar) and request/promote the use of a better compression algorithm, i.e. 7-zip.

The client is a also a lot better than Rar, and can unpack all different formats, including rar.
#6 AzP (Homepage) on 2011-10-10 19:20 (Reply)
7z's rar unpacking code is from the original unrar and non-free. 7z itself is GPL, but only if you remove the unrar code. Thus, for example, the Gentoo package ships without rar unpacking capability.
#6.1 Hanno (Homepage) on 2011-10-10 20:13 (Reply)

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