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Hanno's Blog

Monday, September 18. 2006

Wizards of OS 4 conference

Thursday, September 14. 2006

Buchrezension: »No Copy - Die Welt der digitalen Raubkopie«

Saturday, June 3. 2006

ThePirateBay - some updates

Thursday, June 1. 2006

Short tip: License-data with planet

The Pirate Bay beschlagnahmt

Wednesday, March 15. 2006

Wirtschaftslobbyverbände, Gesellschaft zum Studium strukturpolitischer Fragen, INSM

Thursday, March 9. 2006

Petition für freie Geodaten

Wednesday, February 22. 2006

IFPI versus Internet

Thursday, February 16. 2006

Copyleft film about New Orleans after hurricane Katrina

Monday, February 13. 2006

More free music

Friday, January 27. 2006

Web 0.1 - Channel 4, IT Crowd

Saturday, January 14. 2006

Copyright retten oder abschaffen?

Wednesday, December 28. 2005

22C3 talks: We lost the war, Informational-Cognitive Capitalism, Trusted Computing, Sony rootkit, technological art, cryptographic handcyphers

Tuesday, December 27. 2005

22C3 talk: Grey Commons (Piratbyrån)

Arrived at 22C3

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This blog is written by Hanno Böck. Unless noted otherwise, its content is licensed as CC0.

You can find my web page with links to my work as a journalist here.

I am also publishing a newsletter about climate change and decarbonization technologies.

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