Ancient streamed audio formats

Hanno's Blog

Wednesday, March 28. 2012

Ancient streamed audio formats


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Ahh... WIZO's Raum der Zeit still kicks ass. I bought the UUAAARRGGHH!!! album in a german record store when I went there in 1997. That was also how I learned a lot of german words that they wouldn't teach us in school :)

The record got lost at a party a few years later though, but I had already ripped it using my homebrewn method of playing the CD in the CD-ROM and record the audio with goldwave. My CD-ROM at the time didn't support DA frames, which prevented me from just dumping the audio tracks.
#1 Olof on 2012-03-28 09:02 (Reply)
Hehe, perfect timing since it's Document Freedom Day today ;)
#2 Matija "hook" Šuklje (Homepage) on 2012-03-28 11:29 (Reply)
The C64 SID format consists of a header and a binary blob of 6510 code+data (or even tokenized BASIC) [0]. The header describes load/init/play addresses in the C64 memory space, otherwise the blob is opaque.

Hardly a tracker format, considering MOD/S3M/XM etc... looking forward to the next article!

#3 SIDfan on 2012-03-28 20:31 (Reply)
Heck, I had nearly my all music collection in VQF!

Took ages to convert on a 233 MHz CPU I had back then - and my player wasn't even able to fast-forward (was burning CPU cycles, if I needed to skip i.e. a minute ahead).

Times change!
#4 Scout on 2012-10-25 20:48 (Reply)

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