Old file formats

Hanno's Blog

Tuesday, January 3. 2012

Old file formats


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I have some files laying around as Corel Draw vector graphics, file extension CDR.

Those files were created with some demo/tryout versions of CorelDraw 3 to 6, back in time when CorelDraw was the de facto standard for vector drawing on Windows. I never managed to open or convert those files with any free software.
(Recent Inkscape claims to open these files but I don't get valuable content.)

Besides the free software thing: CorelDraw is still available but has lost its major market share. So it's even hard to find someone who has CorelDraw installed.
#1 Bernd on 2012-01-04 06:12 (Reply)
I think that one of the most absurd file formats that I tried to open recently has been Microsoft's "MDI" (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Document_Imaging_Format for details).

It's a bastardization of TIFF, and as far as I can tell no Linux software seem to be able to transcode this to something more useful; I had to go through a Windows install with Office to open and convert them to TIFF for a customer two months ago.
#2 Diego Elio Pettenò (Homepage) on 2012-01-08 17:24 (Reply)
i recently had trouble opening a video (avi) with the IV50 codec (read: vlc wasn't able to open it ;.) ), solved it by converting it with some strange mencoder magic only possible on 32bit systems.
can hand you that file if you are interested :-)
#3 daniel on 2012-02-25 23:47 (Reply)

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