Monday, August 7. 2006
Getting rid of proprietary software: VC-1/WMV9 in ffmpeg
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sigh, I'm going to kill that guy...
I removed my live svn-ebuild just because doesn't have enough bandwidth to cope!
I guess it's time to provide updated snapshots...
I removed my live svn-ebuild just because doesn't have enough bandwidth to cope!
I guess it's time to provide updated snapshots...
The problem is only that most of VC-1 content is encrypted and Linux has no DRM... so that is actually quite useless for public content applications.
Ich finde es sehr löblich wenn Real Networks ankündigt, noch in diesem Jahr den eigenen Open Source Multimedia Player Helix um die Fähigkeit zu erweitern Windows Media Dateien abspielen zu können. Dumm an der Sache ist nur das FFMPEG (und damit jed...
Tracked: Aug 16, 09:45