How long does it take to fix a crash-bug?

Hanno's Blog

Friday, January 11. 2008

How long does it take to fix a crash-bug?


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which version did you test?
#1 lu_zero on 2008-01-12 05:41 (Reply)
Cite "I used the most current versions in gentoo linux (testing/~x86-system)" on the time of my writing.

mplayer 1.0_rc2_p24929-r2
xine-lib-1.1.9 (update to is now available, but first tests don't show much changes)
#1.1 Hanno (Homepage) on 2008-01-12 11:38 (Reply)
Just tested those files, and the ones from the zuff page ... and nothing crashes here with latest cvs of all gstreamer + plugins.

If you get crashes, tell us on #gstreamer on or via the gstreamer bugzilla tracker ( Product:GStreamer)
#2 Edward Hervey on 2008-01-15 16:26 (Reply)

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