My next laptop

Hanno's Blog

Monday, August 14. 2006

My next laptop


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I don't understand why people want a "fully Linux-compatible laptop". Make a list of functional requirements. Who cares if there is an additional Windows-only function that is not on your list?
Personally, I have an Acer Aspire 5022 which works very well using only open source software. It doesn't meet your needs however.
#1 chithanh on 2006-08-21 12:00 (Reply)
I will never understand why you don't invest 1000€ in a good hi-fi-system. It is worth give it a try. And the sound will be much better. Good headphones are the alternative for travelling.
#2 Lars Strojny (Homepage) on 2006-08-21 15:11 (Reply)
With regards to touchpads, as long as you get one with a large area and two easy to press buttons, it can be configured in X to have 3rd button emulation (press both buttons, for me this means that the "crack" is my third button) as well as both scroll directions if you drag along the bottom and right edges of the pad. So I'm somewhat confused about your complaints about touchpads. Just make sure the buttons are soft to press and you'll be fine :)
#3 Simon (Homepage) on 2006-08-23 14:31 (Reply)
Ever heard of the "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" ? ;)


But seriously, I can totally understand you... :)
#4 Kai Hasenklever on 2006-08-24 22:29 (Reply)

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