Improved SSD performance on old Thinkpads with BIOS mod

Hanno's Blog

Thursday, September 19. 2013

Improved SSD performance on old Thinkpads with BIOS mod


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Hi Hanno,

thanks for this extremly interesting post! I've been watching it for some time now, as I knew some family members do have T6x-models.

Unfortunately, those are T60 with SATA-I-Hardware. While searching the thread you mentioned a forum member came up with the same question, which clears things up:

> T60's only have a SATA I capable hardware,
> whereas T61's have a SATA II capable hardware,
> which has been reduced to SATA I speeds via firmware.

I find it interesting Lenovo didn't just limit the SATA-II-Speed to any random value, but to SATA-I speed. I just wonder: Why would they want to do this? Any clues?
#1 Ben (Homepage) on 2013-10-17 10:42 (Reply)
I read that they limited it because of compatibility issues with the ultrabay slim. The ultrabay is PATA adapted to SATA, so limiting the SATA II to SATA I speeds is just to keep breakage from happening. I'm not sure how the above mod affects that stability, but so far people have mostly been saying it works well. If you use the ultrabay with an HDD or SSD then you may want to be careful about modding the bios.
#1.1 Abrown on 2014-10-03 21:44 (Reply)

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