How Heartbleed could've been found

Hanno's Blog

Tuesday, April 7. 2015

How Heartbleed could've been found


Tracked: Apr 08, 07:57
Tracked: Apr 09, 06:32
Tracked: Apr 30, 02:51
Denial of Service in Dovecot and unexpected crashes in OpenSSL (TFPA 008/2015)
A while ago I did a little experiment trying to fuzz the OpenSSL handshake with the intent to test whether Heartbleed could've been found with fuzzing. At some point while developing the sample code I discovered that american fuzzy lop would find a lot of
Weblog: The Fuzzing Project
Tracked: May 18, 21:15

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The main thing about HeartBleed was not technical, there were N ways it could have been found.

No, the main thing is that nobody had or took the time to even look such bugs.

As I wrote in ACM Queue: "Quality Software costs money, Heartbleed is free"

#1 Poul-Henning Kamp on 2015-04-07 21:43 (Reply)
You can make OpenSSL accept any key length by compiling it with -DOPENSSL_TLS_SECURITY_LEVEL=0. Of course this is not safe in production, but it is fine to fuzz it with very short keys.
#2 Michele Spagnuolo (Homepage) on 2015-04-08 12:01 (Reply)
As mentioned before on Twitter (, I try to test Heartbleed on OpenSSL with Address Sanitizer. My problem is that the server crashes only when the heartbeat length value > 17709. Otherwise, the server runs further as it would not have been compiled with Address Sanitizer.

As you mentioned, I tried to compile OpenSSL with no-buf-free-lists:
./config no-buf-freelists -fsanitize=address
make depend
But this does not change the server behavior.

Btw., when I set the length value to 17710, the server crashes and I get the following output:
0x629000022749 is located 0 bytes to the right of 17736-byte region [0x62900001e200,0x629000022748)

When I increment the length value to 17711, I get the following message:
0x629000018749 is located 1 bytes to the right of 17736-byte region [0x629000014200,0x629000018748)

It seems to be some fixed 17736-byte region, which must be overread, otherwise the server does not crash.

Do you mean is this something connected with Address Sanitizer properties or with the OpenSSL implementation?

I would like to do some fuzzing and to configure Address Sanitizer to be more "sensitive" (if that's possible)...

#3 Juraj on 2015-04-22 17:47 (Reply)

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