Trying to buy an ebook

Hanno's Blog

Tuesday, September 7. 2010

Trying to buy an ebook


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Nah, just need to have some pointers...

I have had a bit of trouble with them before, but Kobo (Canadian-based) is mostly fine; they have your book – – and if you can read ePub with Adobe Digital Editions you can get it from there.

For what I can't find there I use WHSmith — although even there a few are only available on selected countries.
#1 Diego Elio Pettenò (Homepage) on 2010-09-08 01:45 (Reply)
I've had similar issues with my Kindle and the Amazon store (as an added bonus I get completely different prices for the same book depending on which address I enter [8$ for a US address, 14$ for Europeans for example]). Just lead me to set up different addresses in my Amazon profile and cheating.

But I am as annoyed by it as you are: I've got money in my hand, I wanna buy your product and you make it hard for me and screw me over. How is that a good business model?

P.S.: Oh and I do also love that ebooks are more expensive than having a dead tree delivered to my doorstep. Awesome!
#2 tante (Homepage) on 2010-09-08 09:25 (Reply)
I've had similar issues with my Kindle and the Amazon store (as an added bonus I get completely different prices for the same book depending on which address I enter [8$ for a US address, 14$ for Europeans for example]). Just lead me to set up different addresses in my Amazon profile and cheating.
buy wow gold
#3 zhuzhu on 2010-09-28 04:41 (Reply)

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