Hallstatt in China

Hanno's Blog

Saturday, December 21. 2013

Hallstatt in China


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Thank you for providing this blog I would like to visit HALLSTATT in China now in June and am wondering if you could provide me with some updated version of how to get there.
None of the travel agents are aware of this place, even the Chinese embassy in Vancouver, Canada, knew about it.
My most important question is: Are there any hotels there to stay, or does one have to go back to Huizhou.

Cheers and best wishes
#1 Sebastian Fichtl (Homepage) on 2015-05-25 21:22 (Reply)
The place isn't really considered a travellers location, you probably won't get there with any organized tour.

There are hotels in Luoyang, Boluo. To get there you need to get to Huizhou and take a bus or a taxi. Bus is tricky if you don't speak chinese. You can walk from Luoyang, just make sure you have some map app on your phone (osmand is fine). There are no hotels directly at the Hallstatt place.

And no guarantee that you can enter. When I was there it was open to visitors, but I think it was mostly intended for people who want to buy a flat there.
#1.1 Hanno (Homepage) on 2015-05-25 21:37 (Reply)

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