Boten - a chinese casino ghost town in Laos

Hanno's Blog

Tuesday, January 7. 2014

Boten - a chinese casino ghost town in Laos


Tracked: Jun 29, 18:31

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Hi thanks hoping to do this route in June as we are now living in China.Did you find it easy to get tickets for the bus from Yunnan and how comfortable/otherwise was it? ALso how long did it take to get from Kunming down to Luang Prabang?
#1 Ruthi (Homepage) on 2014-02-22 13:50 (Reply)
Getting tickets was always pretty easy. I just went to the bus stations and asked, rarely had to queue long. They often don't speak english, writing down the destination name helps.

I cannot give you exact numbers for travelling time. I wasn't in Luang Prabang at all.
I went from Kunming to Jinghong/Xishuangbanna, which took roughly a day (don't remember exactly, something between 8 and 12 hours). Then I took a bus to Medan and from there to Mohan, both only took a couple of hours, I did this on a single day and I arrived in Boten by foot on late afternoon. I think the border closes at 6 pm.
#1.1 Hanno (Homepage) on 2014-02-25 16:39 (Reply)

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