Playing with hardware sensors in linux

Hanno's Blog

Thursday, March 23. 2006

Playing with hardware sensors in linux


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just curious about why you used hddtemp instead of smartmontools smartctl, true it will give you a lot more then just the temperature, but might be interesting.
#1 Joshua Jackson (Homepage) on 2006-03-23 20:41 (Reply)
It's not possible to use them with S-ATA discs.
#2 Lars Strojny (Homepage) on 2006-03-28 03:09 (Reply)
You need to tune /etc/sensors.conf to match the exact hardware configuration on your mainboard. Every manufacturer uses different resistor values, so just knowing the kind of chips used doesn't help much.
The sensors.conf shipped with lm_sensors contains examples for many mainboards, but I experienced problems with them, maybe because the manufacturer changed the values on the newer revisions of the board.
So good luck and take the output with a grain of salt.
#3 Anonymous on 2006-04-03 00:14 (Reply)
With this summer's heat way, and no AC in my house, I was worried my HD would melt down. Hddtemp was all I needed and I'm pretty happy with it. I was super easy to make an RRD out of it too.
#4 Eric Passmore (Homepage) on 2006-08-18 19:18 (Reply)

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