Hash-collissions in real world scenarios

Hanno's Blog

Tuesday, April 29. 2008

Hash-collissions in real world scenarios


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I was always under the impression that the attacks against MD5 just showed that it's possible to generate collisions when you can control both inputs. This would not allow you to generate a colliding input for a given hash?!
I think the same goes for SHA1... but I'm not really sure.

A new hash function would be nice though.

Besides that... With a 128 bit hash function like MD5 you'll always end up with collisions. Just use a proper salt, so Rainbow Tables won't work for your hashes :)
#1 Marc (Homepage) on 2008-04-29 23:15 (Reply)
Hi, that is party true. You can not generate a hash to a given input (that would be a preimage attack), but you can generate different inputs that make sense if you only control parts of it. Someone has shown this with two postscript files with the same md5.

But the fact is, this doesn't help you, as hash functions are often used in complex protocols where all security assumptions rely on the collision resistance.

For your last statement, an 128 bit hash still leads to a optimal complexity of 64 bit, which makes it nearly impossible to generate collisions. The fact that you can generate them on md5 is because it has additional flaws.
#1.1 Hanno (Homepage) on 2008-04-30 01:06 (Reply)
*forgot to subscribe*
#2 Marc (Homepage) on 2008-04-29 23:16 (Reply)

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