More fancy desktops: Metisse

Hanno's Blog

Sunday, January 28. 2007

More fancy desktops: Metisse


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Just for the record, metisse has already been in portage. It was removed 3 months ago :
#1 M.Pomme on 2007-01-28 12:08 (Reply)
I can already copy and paste in two cli... oooooh. Haha!
#2 James Le Cuirot on 2007-01-28 13:52 (Reply)
Compiz does not allow to use the modified windows? I’d expected that, but I never tried it. Is that supposed to change?
#3 Joachim Breitner (Homepage) on 2007-01-28 18:42 (Reply)
Hi, no, all effects are designed in a way you can't. E.g. in expose-view, you can just click on a window to activate or on the cube you can't let the cube sit on the edge and continue doing something in a window.

The problem is, if I understood the talk on last fosdem correct, that composite isn't able to transform mouse-positions at the moment (which is probably the reason metisse needs it's own X-Server).
#3.1 Hanno (Homepage) on 2007-01-28 18:54 (Reply)
nucleo isn't compiling on amd64 :( sgNode.cxx:288 cast from nucleo::sgNode* to GLuint loses precision
#4 Hydrogen on 2007-01-28 21:17 (Reply)
Hanno, you might want to add net-misc/mDNSResponder as a dependcy for the nucleo-ebuild. Without it nucleo didn't compile on my x86-machine.
#4.1 Volker Eckert on 2007-02-02 04:46 (Reply)
Just a quick note, yes the issue is input redirection, one of the two reasons metisse needs Xmetisse, the other being compositing w/ openGL, which needs either a separate X server or the TFP extension as in AIGLX.

I'm trying out metisse now to see how slow its Xserver is compared to XGL and X/AIGLX, and I've contacted the metisse ML about possibly working with them and Xmetisse since input redirection seems slow to appear in the X world
#5 Quinn Storm (Homepage) on 2007-01-30 18:46 (Reply)
Mmm, it looks like I can't get it to compile on amd64, so I can't try it now. I'll have to wait for more info from the ML
#5.1 Quinn Storm (Homepage) on 2007-01-30 18:49 (Reply)
nucleo didn't build, complaining about a wrong size of a downloaded file.

Not yet being familiar with gentoos package system, I found that

ebuild /usr/local/portage/media-libs/nucleo/nucleo-0.6.ebuild digest

let me build it. I'm going to send this text before I actually try out metisse. Who knows if X will crash :o)
#6 Raoul van Putten on 2007-02-17 09:14 (Reply)
i get the following error when trying to start metisse:
# metisse-start-fvwm -wd :1
Start fvwmi with args -d -w metisse:// for FvwmCompositor
Xlib: connection to "" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

[FVWM][main]: can't open display

and in the other console i get:
AUDIT: Sun Feb 18 14:14:27 2007: 16423 Xmetisse: client 1 rejected from IP port 38867

What did i miss?
#7 Erik on 2007-02-18 14:16 (Reply)
Same problem here :/
#7.1 Belgabor on 2007-03-16 05:05 (Reply)
Ok, I got it to work. You need to use *Xmetisse :1 -ac*.
#7.1.1 Belgabor on 2007-03-20 03:49 (Reply)
People! WTF?

>>> Downloading ''
`/mnt/src/gentoo/distfiles/nucleo-0.6.tar.bz2' saved [806154/806154]

('Filesize does not match recorded size', 806154L, 798977)
!!! Fetched file: nucleo-0.6.tar.bz2 VERIFY FAILED!
!!! Reason: Filesize does not match recorded size
!!! Got: 806154
!!! Expected: 798977
Removing corrupt distfile...
!!! Couldn't download 'nucleo-0.6.tar.bz2'. Aborting.

!!! Fetch for /usr/portage-overlay/layman/hanno-xgl/media-libs/nucleo/nucleo-0.6.ebuild failed
#8 Mellon on 2007-03-04 09:04 (Reply)
you have to grep your overlay dir for 798977 and edit the file, then replace the value by 806154, then when you try to emerge again, it will fail on the MD5 and some other values as well, you repeat the process until it emerge (about 5 values need to be changed) then it will emerge.

this is probably not very secure, but I did it so I could try the system
#8.1 reup on 2007-04-12 13:52 (Reply)
This isn't the way to do to it. If you want to re-digest the ebuild, cd into the directory containing the ebuild (eg /usr/portage/local/layman/hanno-xgl/media-libs/nucleo ) and type ebuild nameofebuild.ebuild digest

Standard disclaimer about trusting your sources applies.
#8.1.1 Michael on 2007-04-22 05:01 (Reply)
Hmm, where is your overlay nowadays? No sign of xgl or hanno-* in the overlay list...
#9 Evert (Homepage) on 2007-03-30 10:50 (Reply)
try: layman -a hanno-xgl
I had to add "-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS" to Cflags to compile
#9.1 Torsten on 2007-05-01 17:42 (Reply)
setz in /etc/make.conf in CFLAGS
#9.1.1 at_torsten (Homepage) on 2007-06-29 09:00 (Reply)
Moin! Das Kompilieren von nucleo klappt bei mir nicht...Hier die Fehlermeldung:

Ich habe ein normales, aktuelles KDE-Gentoo, meine Portage-Konfigurationsdateien sind hier:

das overlay habe ich über layman angesteuert:
layman -l
* gentoo-de [Rsync ] (source: rsync://
* hanno-xgl [Subversion] (source:
* kde [Subversion] (source: http://genkdesvn.svn.sourc...)
* mozilla [Subversion] (source:
* sunrise [Subversion] (source:
* xeffects [Subversion] (source: svn://svn.gentoo-xeffects....)

Wäre super, wenn jemand da ne Idee hätte, aus der Fehlermeldung werd ich nämlich nicht wirklich schlau...
Danke im Voraus :)
#10 HaukeW (Homepage) on 2007-06-10 12:59 (Reply)
I had the same problem with compiling nucleo.
Try version 0.7 from cvs, that works for me!
#10.1 Thomas on 2007-06-12 22:58 (Reply)
Hi, have a problem with making nucleo...

i have a centrino 1,7ghz
#11 Wuerzelchen on 2007-07-26 16:28 (Reply)
I don't understand why it's removed from portage, does metisse has an exclusive contract with Mandriva??
not being able to run it on a normal desktop, Gnome or KDE, is absurdly annoying...
If they do not want code distribution, just don't put a CVS up, otherwise what everyone else can use seems like a Demo version (as always, since 3 months .. 6 months ago??)
Is anyone looking a workaround hack to start a gnome/kde session?
smells to me that their are keeping the REAL X metisse server locked away.
#12 joako on 2007-09-04 04:22 (Reply)

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