Today was the 10th birthday of the K Desktop Environment, the famous Linux Desktop. It's birthday party was in Esslingen, so I attended it.
We heared two interesting talks, one about the upcoming KDE 4, and one from a guy from Treuchtlingen, a small town who's government has converted to Linux solutions in 2002.
After that we had some champagne and cake. Sadly I didn't get the Qtopia Greenphone that one could win.
Gentle: Champagner, Torent und Usability
tackat: Happy Birthday KDE! (with pictures)
Heute war KDE Geburtstagsfeier, und wenn die schon in der Nähe ist muss man da ja wohl hin war sehr lehrreich und lustig, hab padde RL kennengelernt und die KDE Devs und Trolltech hams sich(uns) richtig gut gehen lassen Ich mag ja keinen Sekt, aber an C
Tracked: Oct 13, 22:33