File dialogs in linux desktop environments

Hanno's Blog

Sunday, May 7. 2006

File dialogs in linux desktop environments


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Do you reallyt think that cross-environment-assimilation is that important? I think it should be enough if each environment provides apps for all required cases, i.e. as a KDE user you can stick to KDE apps and as a Gnome User you can stick to Gnome apps. This would also add diversity and thus choice....
#1 Joachim Breitner (Homepage) on 2006-05-07 22:44 (Reply)
Yes, I think it is very important. Linux is about choice, but one of the major things that is wanted is to provide choice away from either MacOS X or Windows. Both of these have standard APIs for file dialogs so applications all look the same and feel the same (for the most part anyway). For this not to be an important part of linux DE's would be a sin on the part of the developers looking to make linux a bleeding edge desktop system.
#1.1 Tom Simnett on 2006-05-20 23:11 (Reply)
Thanks for this entry. I searched for long for such a solution. It works almost flawlessly for most apps. (Inkscape export dialog is not replaced, and a few other things)
I can only recommend this to every KDE user ;)
I just built an Archlinux package for it.
#2 Johannes Schriewer (Dunkelstern) (Homepage) on 2006-05-11 01:01 (Reply)
Wow, *the Application* I was looking for about 1 year!

There are many realy good gtk2 based Programs. You can
live width ugly widget design maybe,
but *that braindamaged file open box* was hurting
me every day.

I am realy cryin from happiness now, thanks a lot for your blogentry!!! It was since 05 May in the portage and I doesn't know about it;-) This is indeed the best hack I ever saw :-)
#3 happy now on 2006-05-16 22:43 (Reply)

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