Some XSS issues in Serendipity found

Hanno's Blog

Monday, December 10. 2007

Some XSS issues in Serendipity found


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Schöne Sache @ RemoteRSS.
Allerdings solltest du noch deine freewvs-Datenbank bzgl. dessen updaten, da es momentan noch nicht über die alte Version meckert.
#1 Alex (Homepage) on 2007-12-10 19:35 (Reply)
Can freewvs detect if somebody uses the remoterss-plugin ? Or will you start to bug me because I did not update even though I do not use this plugin ? ;-)
#2 Matz on 2007-12-10 20:28 (Reply)
It'll bug you.
But in this case, I would prefer that behaviour.
#2.1 Alex (Homepage) on 2007-12-10 20:42 (Reply)
It will bug you and I don't see much I can change to that. That's a conceptual problem of freewvs.

freewvs always checks for any vulnerability, although in many cases it'll cry about vulnerabilities that don't really affect the installation. This is not only for plugins, but also for stuff like »only affects if register_globals is set", "only a risk in combination with outdated php version" or many other cases. Especially in this case, the only way to see if this plugin is used would be to look into the database - and that's most probably not a good idea.

Anyway, s9y update process is pretty straight and usually doesn't cause much pain.
#2.2 Hanno (Homepage) on 2007-12-10 23:29 (Reply)
#3 Alex (Homepage) on 2008-01-02 19:56 (Reply)

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