Entries tagged as journalism
Wednesday, June 18. 2014
Should science journalists read the studies they write about?
Today I had a little twitter conversation which made me think about the responsibilities a science journalist has. It all started with a quote from Ivan Oransky (who is the editor of Retraction Watch) who said reporting on a study without reading it is 'journalist malpractice'. The source of this is another person who probably just heard him saying that, so I'm not sure what his exact words were.

Admittedly my first thought was: "He is right, too many journalists report about things they don't understand." My second thought was: "If he is right then I am probably guilty of 'journalist malpractice'." So I gave it a second thought and I probably won't agree with the statement any more.
I had a quick look at articles I wrote in the past and I have identified the last ten ones that more or less were coverages of a scientific piece of work. I have marked the ones I actually read with a [Y] and the ones I didn't read with a [N]. I've linked the appropriate scientific works and my articles (all in German). I must admit that I defined "read" widely, meaning that I haven't neccesarrily read the whole study/article in detail, I sometimes have just tried to parse the important parts for me.
Now the first thing that comes to mind is that I seem to have become lazier recently in reading studies. I hope this isn't the case and I hoestly think this is mostly coincidence. Now let's get into some details: The first example (the Turing Test) is interesting because it seems there is no scientific publication at all, just a press release. This probably tells you something about the quality of that "research", but while I read the press release I haven't even bothered to check if there is a scientific publication I could read.
The second example becomes interesting. I understand enough to know what a "quasi-polynomial algorithm for discrete logarithm in finite fields of small characteristic" actually is and I think I also understand what it means, but there's just no way I could understand the paper itself. This is complex mathematics. I seriously doubt that any journalist who covered this work actually read it. If there is I'd like to meet that person. I'm also very sure that the people who wrote the press release overselling this research have neither read this paper nor understood its implications.
I think this example gets to the point why I would disagree with the very general statement that a journalist should've read every scientific piece he writes about: It's sometimes so specialized that it's basically impossible. And I don't think this is an out of the line example. Just think about the Higgs Boson: Certainly this is something we want journalists to write about. But I'm pretty sure there are very few - if any - journalists who are able to read the scientific publications that are the basis of this discovery.
Some quick notes on the others: Number 4 was part of a 200-page-thesis and the press release was already pretty detailed and technically, I think it was legitimate to not read the original source in that case. Number 5 is somewhat similar to 2, because it is about an algorithm that includes complex math. Number 8 is not really a scientific paper, it is merely a news item on the Nature webpage. In the above list, the only case where I think maybe I should've read the scientific paper and I didn't is the Cochrane-Review on Tamiflu.
Conclusion: Don't get me wrong. I certainly welcome the idea that science journalists should have a look into the original scientific papers they write about more often - and this doesn't exclude myself. However, as shown above I doubt that this works in all cases.

Admittedly my first thought was: "He is right, too many journalists report about things they don't understand." My second thought was: "If he is right then I am probably guilty of 'journalist malpractice'." So I gave it a second thought and I probably won't agree with the statement any more.
I had a quick look at articles I wrote in the past and I have identified the last ten ones that more or less were coverages of a scientific piece of work. I have marked the ones I actually read with a [Y] and the ones I didn't read with a [N]. I've linked the appropriate scientific works and my articles (all in German). I must admit that I defined "read" widely, meaning that I haven't neccesarrily read the whole study/article in detail, I sometimes have just tried to parse the important parts for me.
- [X] Supposedly successful Turing Test taz, 2014-06-13
- [N]A quasi-polynomial algorithm for discrete logarithm in finite fields of small characteristic, Golem.de, 2014-05-17
- [N] Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in healthy adults and children (Cochrane-Review on Tamiflu), Neues Deutschland, 2014-04-26)
- [N] 20 Years of SSL/TLS Research: An Analysis of the Internet's Security Foundation, Golem.de, 2014-04-17
- [N] DRAFT FIPS 202 - SHA-3 Standard: Permutation-Based Hash and Extendable-Output Functions, Golem, 2014-04-05
- [Y] Using Frankencerts for Automated Adversarial Testing of Certificate Validation in SSL/TLS Implementations, Golem.de, 2014-04-04
- [Y] On the Practical Exploitability of Dual EC in TLS Implementations, Golem.de, 2014-04-01
- [Y] Publishers withdraw more than 120 gibberish papers, Golem.de, 2014-02-27
- [Y] Completeness of Reporting of Patient-Relevant Clinical Trial Outcomes: Comparison of Unpublished Clinical Study Reports with Publicly Available Data, taz, 2013-10-18
- [Y] Factoring RSA keys from certified smart cards: Coppersmith in the wild, Golem.de, 2013-09-17
Now the first thing that comes to mind is that I seem to have become lazier recently in reading studies. I hope this isn't the case and I hoestly think this is mostly coincidence. Now let's get into some details: The first example (the Turing Test) is interesting because it seems there is no scientific publication at all, just a press release. This probably tells you something about the quality of that "research", but while I read the press release I haven't even bothered to check if there is a scientific publication I could read.
The second example becomes interesting. I understand enough to know what a "quasi-polynomial algorithm for discrete logarithm in finite fields of small characteristic" actually is and I think I also understand what it means, but there's just no way I could understand the paper itself. This is complex mathematics. I seriously doubt that any journalist who covered this work actually read it. If there is I'd like to meet that person. I'm also very sure that the people who wrote the press release overselling this research have neither read this paper nor understood its implications.
I think this example gets to the point why I would disagree with the very general statement that a journalist should've read every scientific piece he writes about: It's sometimes so specialized that it's basically impossible. And I don't think this is an out of the line example. Just think about the Higgs Boson: Certainly this is something we want journalists to write about. But I'm pretty sure there are very few - if any - journalists who are able to read the scientific publications that are the basis of this discovery.
Some quick notes on the others: Number 4 was part of a 200-page-thesis and the press release was already pretty detailed and technically, I think it was legitimate to not read the original source in that case. Number 5 is somewhat similar to 2, because it is about an algorithm that includes complex math. Number 8 is not really a scientific paper, it is merely a news item on the Nature webpage. In the above list, the only case where I think maybe I should've read the scientific paper and I didn't is the Cochrane-Review on Tamiflu.
Conclusion: Don't get me wrong. I certainly welcome the idea that science journalists should have a look into the original scientific papers they write about more often - and this doesn't exclude myself. However, as shown above I doubt that this works in all cases.
Posted by Hanno Böck
in Cryptography, English, Science
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