All browsers are crap

Hanno's Blog

Wednesday, June 15. 2005

All browsers are crap


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VRML is a nice thing? It's not even XML. No wonder nobody implements it. X3D is not a web standard as well.

Keeping CSS sleek can be a boon. If you can only post compliance when you do not support mostly unused text formatting features we keep the web slowing down.

CSS3 is considering this as it breaks up all these things in modules which makes implementation of distinct parts of the standard much easier.
#1 Tim Pritlove on 2005-06-15 23:48 (Reply)
You are right. It's a pitty, that this old standard is cut down now.
But from a webdesigner's point of view, it is a blessing. To test your site in every browser is very fretful. Now, you have a much better chance, that CSS will work like it is documented. That will safe much time and annoyance.
#2 Bernhard (Homepage) on 2005-06-16 01:53 (Reply)
I find your last point about Konqueror having the least number of developers particularly interesting. I would love to show this example to the software engineering lecturers we have here. They shove so much bureaucratic crap down our throats but I don't think any of them have ever really put it into practise - if they did, they'd probably come out with something like Internet Explorer. This university needs to wake up to open source.
#3 Chewi on 2005-06-16 02:39 (Reply)
Drop shadows are not a "really nice thing". Drop shadows are cute. It's an ehancement. I've never gone to a web site and thought "Damn this web site sucks. There's not a drop shadow anywhere!"

I've sometimes thought just the opposite. And I'd hardly consider drop shadows as something "innovative"

Smart bookmarks... now that's innovative.
#4 marduk on 2005-06-16 03:59 (Reply)
I agree that overall.. damn, cant THEY FIX THEIR CSS IMPLEMENTATION
its indeed, YEARS ;)
#5 kang on 2005-06-16 12:25 (Reply)
Ehr... Safari is not a fork of Konqueror, it is based on a fork (if you really have to say that) of KHTML but it's NOT based on Konqueror at all.
#6 Anonymous on 2005-06-22 19:33 (Reply)
It's good. Nice blog. keep it up. Visit us at jack
#7 jack (Homepage) on 2005-06-24 07:51 (Reply)
Very nice post. I know I'm coming across it quite late, but you made some really good points, which are still valid today. I personally am finding Opera to be my browser flavor of the month, but I really want it to be Konqueror. I keep trying but can't ever last more than a couple of weeks before finding things that irrate me.

Best Wishes for the New Year!

#8 OmShiva (Homepage) on 2006-12-30 02:52 (Reply)

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