In Search of a Secure Time Source

Hanno's Blog

Thursday, September 7. 2017

In Search of a Secure Time Source


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FWIW I believe that NTPsec currently intends to adopt NTS some time post-1.0.
#1 Royce Williams (Homepage) on 2017-09-07 19:57 (Reply)
For someone who’s talking about security, how about just installing the more secure SSL library, LibreSSL, and be secure and happy?
#2 Bink on 2017-09-08 00:30 (Reply)
This requires that the time be relatively close to correct, otherwise certificate validation will fail due to the client thinking the cerificate is not-yet-valid or expired.
#3 Peter Bowen on 2017-09-08 06:01 (Reply)
Story time: Tails has something called httpdate (which i believe is not the only thing called that) which uses the http date header from various https sites.

It has a list of many sites divided into three categories, "friend", "foe", and "neutral". It connects to a random one from each category and selects the median of the three values.

But, it does this over Tor, and connecting to Tor requires the clock to already be accurate within a few hours. So, as of a couple years ago (and maybe still today), booting tails on a machine with a clock set to the distant past (eg, with a dead clock battery) resulted in a series of tor restarts which would get the clock closer and closer to right until httpdate could run.

First it would fail due to the certificate validity on the TLS connection to a tor directory server. Then it would set its clock to the beginning of the validity period, restart tor, and try again, connecting to a different directory server. Different directory authorities have different validity periods on their certs, so this step could result in several restarts of tor. After the clock is close enough for the TLS connection to be made, it would receive a tor directory consensus with a much smaller validity period (a few hours, iirc), and set the clock to the beginning of that time, and then restart tor once more. Finally tor could bootstrap, and httpdate could run to get a more accurate time.
#4 Former Tails User on 2017-09-08 12:18 (Reply)
Hanno, you seem to have come upon the same idea as phk (who started the ntimed rewrite but didn't finish). See:

I'll connect you two by email.
#5 Dan Kohn (Homepage) on 2017-09-17 00:15 (Reply)
Your bash script ignores timezones, therefore it's rather incomplete
#6 Jaime Herazo on 2017-09-28 15:56 (Reply)

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