PHP braindamage

Hanno's Blog

Friday, September 29. 2006

PHP braindamage


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Well, if that's your only problem with PHP, you're a lucky bastard ;-)
#1 Julian (Homepage) on 2006-09-29 11:06 (Reply)
sizeof returns the size of an array? How counterintuitive! What where they thinking!?
#2 leetcoder on 2006-09-29 11:36 (Reply)
Maybe I'm misunderstanding your request... but sizeof() is another name for count(), which simply returns the number of elements in an array.

I don't think there is a way of getting an abstract storage size of the array though.
#3 Stuart Longland (Homepage) on 2006-09-30 16:39 (Reply)
I've used count() for this purpose since I can remember. Nevertheless this naming is not very intuitive, that's right.
#4 Martin Wegner (Homepage) on 2006-10-01 00:17 (Reply)
RTFM ;-)
#5 Anonymous on 2006-10-07 16:10 (Reply)
You must be kidding...

First, how are you with compiler design ?

php is a great language, i am a professional C++ programmer, but the guys at php never said (write your C code in a script and name it .php)

And surely, it DOES NOT HAVE THE SAME SYNTAX, No no no, Do you see garbage collection in C++

C++ is very fit for a particular use, php is far more fit for another, in many applications you can use both for best results, but indeed php is a great language for its purpose, and the new zend engine is a different story even.....

Take care, happy C++ing
#6 yozzy on 2007-04-21 07:24 (Reply)

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