Fosdem 2006 notes

Hanno's Blog

Monday, February 27. 2006

Fosdem 2006 notes


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It's very disheartening to hear about the developer dropout from Xgl. I wonder did Zack mean Xgl as in Xglx or Xgl as in the entire Xgl project, including Xegl?
#1 Xgl on 2006-02-28 14:38 (Reply)
He meant the entire project, his arguments basically were
- What makes xgl interesting (compiz, fancy effects) can be achived easier (aiglx, opengl composite managers on top of current Xorg).
- Xgl has a whole bunch of problems unsolved that nobody really knows how to get around yet (direct rendering on top of xgl, xegl is completely unusable at the moment).

I'm not so negative about this discussion. It sounds sane and I also always had the impression that while xgl can be run at the moment, I consider it is very far away from being widely usable (the majority of users even has not the hardware to run xgl, including me). That makes it interesting to look at alternatives like aiglx.
#1.1 Hanno (Homepage) on 2006-02-28 15:48 (Reply)
Actually Xgl can be run on many more cards than aiglx at the moment. The compiz screen distortion bug that I share with you is just that a compiz bug. As glxcompmgr runs fine. I wish I wasnt as inexperienced and I could track down the bug faster. It's most likely a fglrx bug but only gets exposed in some way in compiz.

Anyway Zack himself was very excited about Xegl (read the mailing lists) and now he changed his mind. This leads me to believe he didn't understand Xgl in the first place and didn't see the architectural problems. Now he abandons the projects because AIGLX is easier. This doesn't sit well with me because sometimes the best solution isn't always the easiest. Also just because problems are unsolved doesn't mean they are unsolvable.

AIGLX is GL on demand. Right now it used for accelerated composite. Eventually EXA might be exposed to OpenGL hooks for 2D acceleration. Then Xvideo might get GL acceleration. Then who knows. Basically in the end you get the same thing as Xgl but you get one server that does everything.

Xgl is X-on-OpenGL. OpenGL is used for all rendering and drawing. OpenGL API does everything that is possible. This to me is the more aesthetically pleasing solution. However it is harder to implement. Maybe because I come from a math background I tend to lean towards the more aesthetic. I guess engineers are a little different.
#1.1.1 Anonymous on 2006-02-28 16:50 (Reply)

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