Clients for video podcasting

Hanno's Blog

Wednesday, November 9. 2005

Clients for video podcasting


Linux Videoblog Clients Roundup
Hanno Böck asks which free clients are available for receiving and subscribing to video podcasts, videoblogs, vlogs, vodcasts or whatever you want to call them. I was asking myself the same question for a number of reasons lately, and here's what I have
Weblog: Uwe Hermann
Tracked: Nov 13, 05:16

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Do you know how to get h264 support in gentoo? I'd like to watch (see link) video podcast. In debian i managed to view h264 encoded movs with the nightlies build of vlc, but on the gentoo-pcc I couldn't emerge vlc with h264 support.
#1 Silicio (Homepage) on 2005-12-11 20:08 (Reply)
Depends on which player.
Latest vlc has h264-support, but to my experiences, I always had no sound (well, there was sound, but only crap).
I can play h264 nicely with latest xine or totem with gstreamer-ffmpeg. Another way is to build mplayer from cvs.
#1.1 Hanno (Homepage) on 2005-12-11 20:13 (Reply)

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