How "HD ready" is Linux?

Hanno's Blog

Thursday, September 22. 2005

How "HD ready" is Linux?


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Cool. Thanks for this. I was able to watch the bbc trailor which you linked to. I had to update my mplayer to CVS though.
I would like to download some more of the previews from the apple hd gallery, but their website doesn't provide direct links to the files. It apparently requires a quicktime plugin, which I do not think is available for linux. Any ideas on how to get to the files? How did you get the one you posted?
#1 Max Magliana on 2006-01-11 17:41 (Reply)
I just showed the html-source, searched for the .mov-extension and downloaded them manually. Not very comfortable, but that gave me the files.
#1.1 Hanno (Homepage) on 2006-01-11 21:09 (Reply)

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