Tomorrow there will be the (probably) last discussion about the EU directive on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions in the EU parliament in Straßbourg, the decision will be on wednesday. This is a very important decision for the future of the free software movement and software development at all.
I'll be at the protest actions in front of the parliament on both days. If you live nearby Straßbourg, consider to join us as well at 8h on both days.
Weblog of attac
Update: There is also a
web-demo for webmasters to replace their frontpage.
Another Update: Pictures from the demo in my gallery.
Two days till the big day. When the EU parliament will approve software patents US-style and start the downfall of the software industry, free software community and hopefully mankind as we know it. It’s hard to be a pessimist these days when w...
Tracked: Jul 04, 22:14