It's the second day on the
GPN7 (a local hacker event from the Chaos Computer Club Karlsruhe / Entropia).
Yesterday evening I hacked together a map based on openstreetmap showing surveillance cameras:
As a basis, we could use some
data provided by the chaos computer club cologne. I'm working on an importer to get that into the openstreetmap database. Will probably happen within the next days.
All cameras tagged with man_made=surveillance in germany.osm are already imported into the overlay. I'll keep a wiki-page up-to-date at:
Hanno Böck hat vor einigen Tagen über die Darstellung von Überwachungskameras in OpenStreetMap Kartenmaterial berichtet. Hier wird aktuell ein Schema (man_made=surveillance) verwendet, welches jedoch keine Angaben über Verwendung dieser Kamers beinha
Tracked: Jul 09, 04:42