Updates on compiz in Gentoo (now with kde-decorator)

Hanno's Blog

Saturday, January 6. 2007

Updates on compiz in Gentoo (now with kde-decorator)


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What about the other Environments like Fluxbox, Openbox, FvWM and stuff? Which decorator/configuration backend is used there?
#1 Lars Strojny (Homepage) on 2007-01-07 13:35 (Reply)
there is a problem with startup-notification depend. when using kde -gnome USE flags.
#2 joker on 2007-01-07 14:01 (Reply)
compiz settings doesn't work without gconf (gnome) support :(
#3 joker on 2007-01-07 14:13 (Reply)
Putting gnome and gconf together is not optimal, because as joker said, it's still the only way to store compiz settings.
If gconf was a separate use flag, one could have only gconf, without all the other (for a kde user) unnecessary gnome stuff.

Please consider creating a separate use flag for gconf. Or, until another storage backend is implemented, make gconf a hard dependency.
#4 Gusar on 2007-01-07 18:00 (Reply)
I reported a bug about startup-notification http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=160705

On the compiz forum I found an information that in next releases compiz-settings should work without gconf support
#5 joker on 2007-01-07 19:11 (Reply)
compiz-setting itself will work without gconf, but the settings will still be stored in gconf.

To explain: The current compiz-settings accesses gconf directly. The new version will instead use dbus to change settings, but those settings still need to be stored somewhere and right now the only place to store them is gconf.
#5.1 Gusar on 2007-01-07 22:25 (Reply)
Hey, thanks for this. Looks like a good way to run compiz without all the Gnome deps. I don't mind on my workstation, which already runs Gnome, but this will be a real saver for my Xfce-4.4 only laptop. :)
#6 nightmorph (Homepage) on 2007-01-07 22:44 (Reply)
Lars and nightmorph: you might want to look into running Beryl + Emerald. As far as I know it has no gnome/kde dependancies.
#7 Alan Trick (Homepage) on 2007-01-08 05:32 (Reply)
hi, short question about the ebuild. i emerged the newest in portage. as i dont use gnome/kde i dont have a gtk/kde-window-decorator. where do i find it in portage and does it need the full gnome/kde? thx wrdaniel
#8 wrdaniel on 2007-02-20 17:14 (Reply)

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