Dangerous for their business model

Hanno's Blog

Wednesday, August 9. 2006

Dangerous for their business model


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Das Tool kümmert sich aber nicht nur um TCP-Ports. Hab "dingens" mal eben durch Jottis Malware Scan gejagt ... zumindest sagt da kein Scanner, daß es ein gefährliches Tool sei.
#1 Alex (Homepage) on 2006-08-09 15:14 (Reply)
Wie oben geschrieben, Antivir hat die Sig entfernt, Panda ist bei jotti nicht mit drin.
#1.1 Hanno (Homepage) on 2006-08-09 15:38 (Reply)
I couldn't agree more (concerning the tasks of an av app). But lets be honest: A really big part of the windows security business is based on disinformation. While your last sentence is completely correct, I do believe that lying is part of the business model in many cases. And it's probably bound to stay this way.
#2 Gunnar Wrobel (Homepage) on 2006-08-09 20:39 (Reply)
the tool isn't called "dingens" - it's just the domain name - , it's called "Shutdown Windows' services" or "Windows-Dienste abschalten" (german).

+++ neingeist
#3 neingeist (Homepage) on 2006-08-10 03:08 (Reply)

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