Firefox implementing spy-feature

Hanno's Blog

Wednesday, January 18. 2006

Firefox implementing spy-feature


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I hope the same... it really sad that firefox is starting to get that *features*
#1 rlazo on 2006-01-19 02:04 (Reply)
I don’t agree with you. I’m more afraid about the normal tracking-systems, e.g Googles JS-stuff, and I think it’s an improvement to make tracking more transparent and provide a possibility to deactivate it.
It’s more annoying that the Firefox-project seems to break webstandards. We should remember how it was having IE as a non-standardized »instant browser«.
#2 Lars Strojny (Homepage) on 2006-01-19 19:45 (Reply)
Like Lars said.
Ever heard of Javascript, or more specifically, AJAX?
At least with a ping attribute you can see where it goes.

Granted it can just be a redirector pass around.

Long story short, the ping is NOTHING new. Except you can now see the destination with much less source hacking.
Not to mention you can even write a quick userChrome.css (or userContent.css... whichever) CSS2.1 selector to advertise the destination in page.
Assuming of course you use a Gecko browser.
#2.1 Jason on 2006-01-19 19:57 (Reply)
Atleast ping can be controlled via an ACL such as how Firefox controls Cookies. If the firefox devs don't create such controls, the motivation of maintaining privacy will drive development of an extension (such as Ad-block).
#3 postmodern on 2006-01-21 08:32 (Reply)

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