Ergonomic PC usage part 1 - Dvorak

Hanno's Blog

Monday, July 11. 2005

Ergonomic PC usage part 1 - Dvorak


Die "gute" alte BelegungMein Freund Arne benutzt das Dvorak-Tastaturlayout seit längerem und hatte mich zu seinen Anfangszeiten auf dieses optimierte Tastaturlayout aufmerksam gemacht, Hanno Böck benutzt es seit kurzem. Da ich die Vorteile (kürzere Wege
Weblog: Unda fortis movet
Tracked: Jul 25, 23:06

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Congratulations! I love Dvorak.
#1 James Lee (Homepage) on 2005-07-11 22:16 (Reply)
well, I love dvorak, too. as soon as I'm on semester break, I'll go improve my writing.
I have created some zshrc shortcuts for switching layouts:

alias aoei="setxkbmap de"
alias asdf="xmodmap ~/de-dvorak-keysym.xmodmap"

The mapping is kind of different, as shown in this picture:

It is somewhat I heard of known as the german default dvorak layout, with umlauts directly mapped to keys.

You may of course download the layout here:

#2 modn (Homepage) on 2005-07-12 11:31 (Reply)

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