Big disappointment Star Trek XI

Hanno's Blog

Saturday, May 9. 2009

Big disappointment Star Trek XI


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I'm calling myself a fan since I've watched every TNG episode as a child, but a "Star Trek spirit" never existed in the movies. Maybe there has been a deeper message in IV and IX, but the others are just science fiction action movies.

The Nokia phone - well, I can cope with it. I wouldn't call it "product placement", it's more like a parody to it because it's so obviously presented to the audience.

From my point of view this was an excellent and really brave story which opens "the perspectives for the future", as you said. Before I've watched this movie I thought that Star Trek has to die after Nemesis(and in a sense it did), but now I'm curious about Star Trek XII.
#1 Roland (Homepage) on 2009-05-11 03:39 (Reply)
I don't agree. I think it was an awesome movie.

a) Who cares about product placement? b) I thought it was fun and agree that it seemed like a parody.

About it differing to much from Star Trek. Please have you seen the Klingons in TOS and in TNG? If they can come up with a lame excuse for that these Romulans shouldn't be a problem.

If you check IMDB there are countless really cool references for the real die hard star trek fans.

I think the actors did a good job, Sylar gives an awesome Spock. The shots are incredibly beautiful and the action is not to dense.
I agree that it's a an action movie but name a Star Trek movie that wasn't.

What put me of the most is the relationship between Spock and Uhura but still this definitely one of the better Star Trek movies.
#2 Simon on 2009-06-17 18:52 (Reply)

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