Correct http error code for unconfigured virtual hosts

Hanno's Blog

Saturday, December 1. 2007

Correct http error code for unconfigured virtual hosts


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It might not be an error code of the 200-range, as this would indicate that everything is fine (especially 204 is inappropriate, as there is in fact content). The 500-range is designed for server errors, and a missing configuration is definitely a server error. Every 400-statuscode reacts on a wrong client request, so we can ignore that. 503 is not ok, because a missing configuration is not temporary. It is not due to maintainance and therefore will not automatically go away after a certain delay. So there is just 501 or 500. 501 is more for specific HTTP-method errors so I would vote for 500.
#1 Lars Strojny (Homepage) on 2007-12-02 12:08 (Reply)
Und dies ist ein Beispiel wie man es vielleicht besser nicht macht:
#2 Alex (Homepage) on 2007-12-02 13:38 (Reply)

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