Boycott Italy! Pray to the flying spaghetti monster.

Hanno's Blog

Monday, February 6. 2006

Boycott Italy! Pray to the flying spaghetti monster.


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I prefer last thursdayism. :D (Omg I forgot to buy.., I mean become a slave to a cat, and it's friday...)
#1 whitehawk on 2006-02-10 18:15 (Reply)
I totally agree with you brother, eating pasta all the time without praying to him is an insult of our religion. BUT shouldn't we, instead of burning down the heretical pasta-companies, board them like our Ancestors, the great pirates? Imagine, if we burn down the pasta-companies, how can we make sure not to burn down the pasta? Burning pasta would be a heretical act also! My suggestion is to board and take over the pasta-companies, and to use the good and noodly pasta to praise HIM and to spread HIS noodly word all over italy, and the world!

#2 Brother Dave Le Forban on 2006-02-22 12:32 (Reply)
Don't worry, no sane Italianman would ever eat spaghetti and meatballs... :S
#3 Giovanni on 2006-02-24 15:59 (Reply)

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