, Web 2.0 and centralized vs. decentralized services

Hanno's Blog

Saturday, December 10. 2005, Web 2.0 and centralized vs. decentralized services


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As original developer of PhpWebGallery [1], your note about "interoperability-standards to the various web-galleries" is very interesting but not enough detailed. Could you give more detailed examples?

#1 Pierrick (Homepage) on 2006-05-16 14:30 (Reply)
A situation where I though about this was when I wanted to add an image to a flickr album. It was configured by someone else so others could add items to it.
But to do this you have to open an account at flickr yourself.

I could imagine this works like I can have an open album on my whatever web gallery and someone else could add an item either by having an account or by pointing to some element at his gallery, maybe with a url (similar to trackbacks). One other idea would be to have an automatic check for license rdf data if transfering an image is allowed and under which conditions.
#1.1 Hanno (Homepage) on 2006-05-17 22:45 (Reply)

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