My Last Featurephone and some Random Thoughts about Tech Development

Hanno's Blog

Monday, December 15. 2014

My Last Featurephone and some Random Thoughts about Tech Development


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Thanks for these interesting thoughts. I have hope that in the next decade (in the 2020's) we will see a big rise in 3D-Printers. Since they reproduce themselves, they tend to become cheap and available in mass. Then they will spread the idea and use of open hardware. Some enthusiasts start to produce artistic and useful designs and license them for public use. 3D-printshops pop up and might be the start to introduce the idea of local- and self-production to a wider public. Craftsman, specialists, scientists and many more will start to use and share useful tools for their business, profession or specific hobbyhorse ...
At the same time, self-production of Open Hardware, will remain the last breakout in a world where we will be surrounded by the "internet of things". Things that are sold, controlled and connected to international data leeches: enterprises beyond control of national states, laws or data privacies.
#1 Erik Albers on 2015-02-07 13:33 (Reply)

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