Some years ago I started the webpage, cause I permanently had problems running old DOS games and demos, the lack of proper VESA-support, missing sound drivers and things like that. I forgot to upload this again when I moved all my webpages to our little server project, so it was offline for the last months.
I noticed when the free-domain-provider I'm hosting mailed me that I'm violating their AGB if I don't use the domain for a real webpage. Today I took the page from a backup, removed old eMail-adresses, made xhtml 1.1, added a small section about emulators and some general rework. Most of the information is still valid, so if you intend to run a real DOS on some up-to-date PC, you might find it useful.
The domain is still a free-domain with ads, but as most of you probably have popup-blockers, you won't mind.